Week Beginning 11.05.20

Friday 15.5.2020

Happy Friday everybody.

We have had another busy week of learning Nursery. I hope you have all enjoyed our story of the week 'We're going on a bear hunt'.

Todays rhyme is called 'Teddy bears picnic'

Click on link below

Teddy bears picnic

Teddy bear teddy bear rhyme

Activity idea - Make a cave/den for your bear

Can you make a cave or den for your bear that you chose on Monday. With an adult look around your house for resources you can use. For example cushions, sheets, an empty box, sticks. Below are a few ideas.

Activity idea - Play hide and seek with your teddy bear. (Bear hunt)

This activity is to encourage the children to use positional language. Introduce the words on top, next to, behind, under.

Adult hide bear. For example behind a door. Ask your child to count to 10 and then look for bear. When they find bear ask them to describe where it was. Repeat.

Activity idea - Bear picture.

If you haven't had a go at making a picture of a bear perhaps you could have a go today. We would love to see your pictures. You could use crayons, paint, collage, playdough or maybe some resources from outside.

Activity idea - Ice boats

This is a lovely idea I saw that you might want to have a go at over the next few days. It looks like fun.

Have a good day everybody and enjoy your weekend.

Miss Braun x


Thursday 14.5.2020

A big hello from Miss Braun and Miss Hopton.

We miss seeing you all everyday at Nursery. We are so proud of you all for working so hard at home. Keep sending us the photographs of all the amazing work and activities you are doing. They put a smile on our faces and brighten up our day. We loved your story maps yesterday. This is a picture of Abigail's story map.

Todays rhyme is Mary Mary

Have a look outside. Can you see any flowers growing? What else can you see and hear?


Today I would like you to think about the bear in the story.

How would we describe the bear?

Can you draw or paint a picture of the bear?

Children often like to talk about if the bear is friendly or if he was chasing the family. Some children say the bear might be lonely. How do you think the bear was feeling?

Where does the bear live?

Do you think the bear in the story has a name? What could it be?

With an adult can you find out any information about bears.

Sequencing pictures

Bear picture

If you have the book at home have a go at reading the story to somebody in your house.

Enjoy your day

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Wednesday 13.5.2020

Good Morning Nursery.

Thank you for all the pictures you sent me yesterday. It is lovely to see all the fantastic work you are doing at home. You are all working so hard.

Today I have sent you all Miss Hoptons number session to join in with. Look on your Tapestry page for the link. Have fun.

How are you feeling today ? Today I am feeling happy. Our rhyme today is called

'If you're happy and you know it'.

Click on link for song. Can you choose some of the actions above.

If you're happy an you know it rhyme


Activity - Story map.

Today I would like you to have a go at re-telling the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. In Nursery the children really enjoy drawing story maps. The children draw what they can remember from the story and then they tell an adult what they have drawn. Another idea is to make a collage story map.

Click on link for picture story map.

story map

Home learning ideas


Activity ideas -

- Make some binoculars for a bear hunt.

- Printing - Bear prints using a potato.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun x


Tuesday 12.5.2020

Hello everybody.

I hope you all enjoyed the story 'We're going on a bear hunt' yesterday. Today we are going to do some more activities linked to the story.

Yesterday you were all really clever at moving and dancing to the dinosaur song. Lets start today with a song about Dinosaurs. Some children might remember singing this song at Nursery. Its called 'Once there was a dinosaur'.

Once there was a dinosaur.

(Tune –Twinkle Twinkle little star.)

Once there was a dinosaur,

And all he did was roar and roar.

He roared high and he roared low.

He roared fast and he roared slow.

Once there was a dinosaur,

And all he did was roar and roar!



Revisit the story from yesterday.

Today we are going to talk about all of the places that the family go during their bear hunt.

Can you find some of these areas in your garden? Swishy swashy grass, thick ooozy mud, a pile of sticks.

At school we will often pretend to go on a bear hunt outside whilst we repeat the story. The children really enjoy it and it brings the story to life. We use pieces of material, pictures on paper or trays with water, mud, grass inside. You might want to have a go at this together.

Activity ideas linked to writing/mark making.

I have put some pictures below of activities you may want to do with your child during the week.

Activity ideas -Scissors

- Cutting pictures out of old cards, magazines.

- Cutting along cabbage leaves

- Cutting spaghetti

Dough disco. Click on link below

Dough Disco

Thank you for all working so hard at home. The Nursery team are all really proud of you. We really enjoy seeing all your pictures and work so keep sending them to us. If you need to contact me for any reason my e-mail address is cbraun@firbeck.org.uk. It would be great to hear from you.

Have a good day

Miss Braun x


Monday 11.5.2020

Good Morning everybody.

Happy Monday. I hope you all had a good weekend. The weather was beautiful on Friday and Saturday. From today I have started to put the daily activities under weekly tabs eg week beginning 11.5.2020. Please remember to also look at the phonics, number and other sections of our Nursery page for daily activities and ideas. These are located under school closure and then click on the page you would like to look at.

When we are at Nursery the children and teachers have lots of fun moving and dancing to cbeebies "Boogie Beebies". Today I have chosen one for our movement and rhyme.

It is called 'Do the Dino'. The children always make me laugh and smile when we do this together. Click on the link below

Cbeebies - movement rhyme

This week our book of the week is 'Were Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen.

This is a book I think lots of you will have at home. I know that lots of children in our Nursery enjoy this story so we are going to base our learning on this story this week.


Today read the story together either with the book or by watching the video. Click on the link below.

Were Going on a Bear Hunt

Can children join in with the repeated phrases?

Can they remember what happens next in the story?

What did the family find in the cave?

Today Nursery have a look in your house for your favorite teddy. Can you tell me its name? Can you draw, or paint a picture of your teddy. Later on in the week we are going to go on a bear hunt, so we are going to need your teddy to help us re-tell the story.

Have a good day everybody. I look forward to seeing or hearing about your work later. Keep smiling

Miss Braun x

September 2024


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