
Our curriculum has been designed so that:

- It offers age-appropriate challenge and progression.
- Ideas and concepts are purposeful, carefully sequenced and build on prior learning; not only during the year but across the primary years and across subjects.
- It offers interleaved practice so children are forced to retrieve and apply the correct strategies.
- It promotes metacognition and self-regulation skills - where children monitor and review their own learning thus, reaching their full potential.
-It increases cultural capital, vocabulary and language skills through its ambitious and enriched content.
- It is fully cohesive in order to deepen knowledge, skills and understanding.
- It stimulates all pupils and complements the community we serve.

Click here for our Curriculum Intent.

What is the reasoning behind our curriculum intent?

Research by cognitive scientists in recent years has highlighted that the more you store in your long term memory, the more space you have in your short-term memory. This means that you have brain space to learn more! As teachers, we recognise that we must ensure children learn and are not overloaded.

We move things into our long-term memory when we continually practise and apply it. When we move things into our long-term memory, it means that we have learnt it. That's why we want to keep giving our children opportunities to retrieve and apply the things they are taught in a variety of contexts.

That's why knowing your times tables off by heart (learned/stored in your long-term memory) helps you to solve tricky maths problems (freeing up brain space to apply strategies to solve the actual problem).

Cognitive scientists have also highlighted we learn by making links between the things you already know and the new things you're learning. Your brain makes lots of connections and this is how you build on your knowledge, understanding and skills. The more you remember, the more you know, the more you can learn.

That's why in Year 6, we make connections and build upon previous years' learning (from Geography) in Computing by using digital mapping to locate countries and describe geographical features.

January 2025


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