
Firbeck Attendance Policy - click here

Overall Attendance

Firbeck Academy tracks the attendance of each child closely, including punctuality.
The government guideline for pupil attendance is 95%. If a child’s attendance falls below 90%, the school now has an Education Welfare Officer from the Local Authority and attendance concerns will be discussed with The Education Welfare Officer, Attendance could be escalated to Legal Intervention.

  • If a child’s attendance falls below 90%, the School will ask Parents/ carers to attend a meeting with the Attendance Officer and the Education Welfare Officer to discuss the reasons for absences and look at any support to improve attendance.
  • 4 week review period will follow to make sure attendance does not fall any further
  • If attendance continues to decline this will be escalated and a Parent Panel Meeting will be arranged at Loxley House. The outcome of this meeting could potentially result in Legal Intervention which could include a Penalty Notice or Court Appearance.

It is important to understand that holidays cannot now be authorised (since September 2013) due to a change in legislation by the Government.


Punctuality is important.

We aim to ensure we have punctual starts and reduce the amount of times where pupils are taken out of school before the end of the day’.

Firbeck Academy starts at 8:45am.

We follow the procedure, ‘Get in Line at quarter to 9’. The children should make their way promptly to their class lines at 8:45 after enjoy a warm bagel served by one of fabulous Firbeck team. The teacher will lead the line into class at 8:50am.

The class with the highest punctuality and attendance each half term, will be rewarded with a non-uniform day on the last day of half term. This new reward is a result of our student council recommending non-uniform to be the incentive for the class with the best attendance.

July 2024


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