Daily Activities

Thursday 7.5.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Todays rhyme is '
'The grand old duke of York'.

Click on link for rhyme.


As you are all aware, this Friday is a Bank Holiday to coincide with VE day. If we were at Nursery we would have been doing lots of VE themed learning. Today I have suggested some ideas you might want to do together at home.

Friday 8th May 2020 we celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. VE day stands for victory in Europe. On Twinkl there is a great Early Years powerpoint to look at and talk about.


Activity ideas

- Make a union Jack flag. Look at a picture of the flag and talk about the different colours.

- Make some bunting to decorate your house.

- Make some cakes/biscuits together.

Click on the links below for activity sheets

Colouring page.

Colouring page 1

Union Jack flag


Activity idea -Make a shaker or musical instrument out of recycled materials.

Look around your house today to see if you have any paper cups, small boxes, yogurt pops, toilet roll/kitchen tubes rice or pasta.. Over the next few days your challenge is to design and make an instrument. I have put a few ideas below for you to look at.

Have fun and remember to take a photograph as we would love to see them.

Have a lovely day everybody.

Miss Braun x


Wednesday 6.5.2020

Morning Nursery.

I hope you all had lots of sleep last night and are ready for the day ahead. Hopefully the sun will shine today and you will be able to go into your gardens or go on a walk or bike ride with your family.

Todays rhyme has been chosen by Sorcha-Remi. Her favorite song is 'Sleeping bunnies'. When we are at Nursery we have lots of fun singing this song together.

Click on link below for song.

Sleeping Bunnies song

Can you hop like a bunny or jump like a frog? I wonder if you can choose another animal and think how it would move. How would a snake move?


Today I would like you to draw a picture of yourself. Remember to think about what you need to put on your picture head, eyes, ears.........

Practice writing or tracing over your name. Remember you can do this in lots of different ways. Try hard to hold your pencil between your two fingers and thumb.

You could have a go at writing your name small with a pencil and then try to write the letters big with paint.

Reading activity

Choose one of your favorite books to read with an adult or your brothers and sisters. Together find somewhere quiet and comfortable to read the book. Can you make a reading den or tent? You could read your book inside or outside . Take a picture of you and your favorite book and send it to me. I will then put the pictures in a gallery for your friends to see. Can you tell me why it is your favorite book? I received a lovely photograph yesterday of a family spending time together reading and enjoying a book. It really made me smile.

Tomorrow one activity idea will be to make a shaker or musical instrument. Have a look around your house today to see if you have any paper cups, small boxes, yogurt pops and rice ( If you have any).

Remember to also have a look on the Family Learning page for activities and ideas you can do together as a family. This weeks theme is 'The area you live in'.

Have a good day of learning everybody. I look forward to seeing and hearing about all the fantastic work you do.

Miss Braun x


Tuesday 5.5.2020

Good Morning Nursery.

Did you find any frogs yesterday? A few weeks ago one of your friends was very lucky and found some frogs in her garden. She looked after them for a little while and then she let them go back to the pond.

Today I would like you to sing the rhyme '5 little speckled frogs' again. This time can you find something to be the log and the frogs. You could use lego, toilet roll tubes,paper and pasta. Each time a frog jumps into the pool take an object away. How many are left? Click on link below for frog pictures.

5 little speckled frogs

Today we have another story about frogs. This story tells you all about how a tadpole changes into a frog. This is called a lifecycle. The story is called 'Growing frogs' by Vivian French. Miss Hopton is going to read you the story today. I have sent you the link through our Tapestry app.


Today I would like you to think about the story and talk with an adult about the lifecycle of a frog.

- Can you put the pictures in the correct order. As you do try to use the words frogspawn (eggs), tadpole, froglet and frog. Click on the link below

Lifecycle of a frog

I have also put some pictures which are in the wrong order for you to look at and talk about together below. Which picture comes first ..... last in the lifecycle?

During the week you might also want to have a go at the following home learning activities

Home learning

Have a great day everybody. keep sending us your pictures of all the great work you are doing at home Nursery. They are making us smile.

Miss Braun x


Last week our book of the week was 'Kippers Birthday'. The Nursery children worked really hard during the week planning their own tea party. I have had so many lovely pictures of the invitations and cards they wrote, the hats and decorations they made and the fantastic looking cakes. Here are a few photographs of the amazing parties the Nursery children hosted.

Abigail had a tea party for her toys Sad Sam and Honey. She made them both a party hat, sang 'Happy Birthday' and played musical statues At the end of the party she read them a story. She told me they had lots of fun.

A birthday party for Lamby. At the party they had lots of party food, played games and I saw a lovely video of everybody singing 'Happy Birthday'. Lamby really enjoyed blowing out the candle on the delicious chocolate cake.

A birthday party for Elsa the unicorn. Mum told me they chose Unicorns favorite foods, made sandwiches and cakes. They made their own wrapping paper and wrapped a present up for Elsa and made a card. All the family joined in and had lots of fun.

Look on our 'Celebrating Home Learning' page for more of the work the Nursery children did. You are all working so hard at home. We are very proud of you.


Monday 4.5.2020

Good Morning everybody. I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend.

Following all of your fantastic work on 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' I thought this week we would learn about the lifecycle of a frog. I wonder if you have ever seen a frog before.

Today we are going to start with a rhyme we sang a few weeks ago. 'Five little speckled frogs'. Remember Nursery to pretend to jump when the frog jumps into the pool.

Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log,

eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum.

One jumped into the pool, where it was nice and cool

Now there are four green speckled frogs,

Glub, glub.

Four ….




Can you remember the word we use when a frog jumps into the pool?

We say there is 1 less frog.

Click on to the link to sing along to the rhyme on Numberblocks.

5 little speckled frogs rhyme


With an adult watch the following story about Bing finding a frog in his garden.

Click on the link below

Frog story

After watching and listening to the story talk together about the following

- Have you seen a frog before. where did you see it?

- Bing gave the frog lettuce and grapes to eat. Did he like it?

- Can you find out what frogs like to eat?

- Can you find out where frogs like to live?

- How does a frog move?

A few weeks ago we read a book about a frog called 'Oi Frog' You might want to read it or listen to it again.

Activity 2

Memory game - Kims Game

look around the house and find 6 different objects. Name them. Place them on a tray or piece of paper. Ask your child to look at the objects and remember where they are. Close eyes. Hide object Which object is missing? Repeat.

Remember to also look at the activities on the Phonics and Number part of our Nursery page for activities and ideas. ( click on the side bar to see them)

Have a good day. I hope the sun shines today.

Miss Braun x


Friday 1st May 2020

Morning Nursery

Today it is a new month. It is now the month of May.

Lets start today with a counting rhyme. Its called '5 little men in a flying saucer'

Can you count upto 5 on your fingers?

Five little men in a flying saucer flew around the earth one day.

They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight so one man flew away.


Repeat 4,3,2,1.


This week you have all worked really hard to plan a party/tea party for your toy. Just like Kipper did in the story 'Kippers Birthday'. Today is the day of your party. The following are ideas to do together to prepare for your party.

Find plates/cups/ cutlery. How many plates/cups will you need? Count them.

Use playdough to make cakes or food. I have attached a simple playdough recipe.

Playdough recipe

Together make food for your party - make sandwiches, bake cakes or biscuits, make a jelly.

Find a special outfit you would like to wear for your party.

Plan party games eg Musical statues, pass the parcel. Click on link for game

kipper game

pin the tail on the donkey

Remember to wear your party hats that you have made and put up your decorations.

Have lots of fun. We look forward to seeing all of your photographs.

Miss Braun x


Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Nursery.

Thankyou so much for all the great work you have been sending me this week. You are all very clever at planning a tea party. On Friday I know that the following toys are having a party -Morris, Unicorn, Kipper, Pinky teddy, Sad Sam, Honey and Lamb.

Today Abigail has chosen her favorite rhyme for us to sing together. It is 'Five little monkeys jumping on the bed'

Five little monkeys

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mummy phoned the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Repeat verse with 4,3,2,1

Just let me know if you would like to choose a favorite rhyme for us all to sing.


You have all been very busy writing your invitations and making your party hats and decorations. Today choose an activity to do together for your party.

Activity 1 - Make a card/write your name

Yesterday I received a card in the post.

Can you make a birthday card or a special card for your toy?

Ideas - Paint a card. Cut out pictures from old magazines/cards and stick them onto your card. Draw your own picture. Remember to write your name in the card.

Click below if you would like a template

Number card

Birthday card

Activity 2- Make a piece of wrapping paper

Ask an adult to help you find a toy or a present that you can wrap up for your toy. Make a piece of wrapping paper. Here are a few ideas.

Have a good day

Miss Braun


Wednesday 29th April 2020

Hello Nursery

Yesterday I spoke to Miss Hopton and she says a big hello to everyone. Today she has another weekly activity for you. Miss Hopton has been very busy growing cress at home. If you would like to grow some cress then watch Miss Hoptons video to find out what you need to do. Look on our Tapestry app to see the video. If you don't have any cress seeds don't worry you might have a different seed you can plant together. I wonder if yours will grow as tall as Miss Hoptons? We look forward to seeing the pictures.

Today we are going to start with a rhyme about a teapot. Ask the people in your family if they can remember singing this song. Its called 'I'm a little teapot'.

Have a look with an adult to see if you have a toy teapot and teaset you can use at your teaparty on Friday.

I hope you had fun writing your party invitation yesterday. My toy elephant was very excited to get an invitation to a party.

Activity - Creative

To make a a party hat for yourself, your toy or somebody in your house or to make some party decorations. I have put some ideas below.

Newspaper hat.

Tomorrow we will be writing a card, writing a list and making some wrapping paper.

Have a good day.

Miss Braun x


Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning everyone. I hope you all had a good day yesterday.Did you choose a toy for your tea party/ pretend tea party on Friday? I have chosen my toy elephant.

Today we are going to start with the movement rhyme' 'Heads, shoulders. knees and toes'. Can you point to your head, shoulders, knees and toes. When we sing this rhyme in Nursery we sing it loudly, quietly, fast and slow.

I hope you all enjoyed reading or listening to the story of 'Kippers birthday' yesterday.

Did you guess what he forgot to put on his invitations? He forgot to put on which day of the week his party was on.

Activity - Writing /name writing.

Today I would like you to write an invitation to somebody in your family to invite them to your party on Friday. You can either choose some paper from your house or use the template I have attached. Remember to write on the day, date and time and who the invitation is from. You might want to decorate your invitation and put it in an envelope just like Kipper did in the story.

(The first stages of writing are very important. It is important in the early years that we value the marks that children make. Let your child have a go at writing/making a mark by themselves and then ask them what it says. Write next to it what they say. )


Have a think what else you might need for a party/ tea party. Talk to an adult and write down some ideas together. Tomorrows activity will be making decorations or a party hat.

Remember to also look at the activities on the Phonics and Number part of our Nursery page for activities and ideas. ( click on the side bar to see them)

Enjoy your day. We are missing you all. Keep smiling

Miss Braun x


Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Nursery

I hope you have all had a good weekend.

Thank you very much for all the work you sent me last week. I really enjoyed looking at it all. You are all superstars for working so hard at home. I thought today we would start with a Nursery rhyme about a star. 'Twinkle Twinkle little star'.

Sing the rhyme with somebody in your family.

Activity ideas linked to rhyme - Make your own star.

Playdough stars.

Bake a star biscuit/cake.

Paint a star. Make a star wand.

Make a star out of sticks.

This week we are going to be focusing on the story 'Kippers Birthday' by Mick Inkpen.

This story is all about a dog called Kipper who is planning his birthday party. In the story Kipper is working hard preparing for his birthday. He bakes a very interesting cake to share with his friends and makes beautiful invitations but is too tired to deliver them and that's where the trouble starts. Kipper gets all the dates mixed up. Is the party today? Or perhaps it’s tomorrow? Or was it yesterday? What a muddle!

This week all the activities that I have planned are based around the theme of a birthday party or tea party. The main focus of the week is to plan a party for a teddy or toy that your child has chosen. The party will be on Friday. Each day we will be making something for the party. For example writing an invitation, making a party hat, choosing party games and music.

Activity - Sharing a story

If you have a copy of the book at home read the story to your child. If you do not have a copy of the story then you will be able to find and listen to the story on the internet. Look at the front cover together. What do you think the story is going to be about?

After reading the story ask your child the following questions

What type of animal is Kipper?

What special celebration is Kipper having a party for?

What important information did he forget to write on the invitations?

How old was Kipper? How old are you?

Talk to your child about Birthday celebrations and family birthdays. If you do not celebrate birthdays in your family talk about another celebration you share together.

Look together through photographs/ videos of birthday celebrations or celebrations.

What dates are the birthdays in your family? Is it anybodies birthday this week?

Activity - Role play

Choose a favorite teddy or toy. This week pretend it is their birthday on Friday. Choose how old they are they are going to be. Are they going to be 3 or 4.? Talk to your child about the date on Friday.

Have a good day everybody. I am looking forward to seeing which toy you choose.

Miss Braun x


Friday 24th April 2020

Today I have put two new links on the website for reading and Phonics activities. Please have a look on the Home learning and links page. Please also have a look at the Family learning page. On this page you will find weekly projects linked to a theme that all the family can do together. The first theme is 'My Family'


Friday 24th April 2020

Good Morning Nursery.

Today it is Friday, tomorrow it is the weekend. Well done for practicing to sing our days of the week song. I have really enjoyed seeing the pictures that you have sent me.

I have chosen a counting song for us to sing today. This song helps us to count up to 10. Remember to count on your fingers as you sing the song.

Activity 1 - Lifecycles

Today I would like you to think about the caterpillar in the story. After he eats all the food what happens?

What does the caterpillar turn into?

Talk to your child about the different stages of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Look at the pictures below.

In the story the chrysalis is called a cocoon.

Remember there is the Cbeebies clip below which shows the different stages. I have attached an activity sheet below.

Caterpillar life cycle

Activity 2 - To make a butterfly.

Can you make a butterfly. Below are a few ideas.

Ideas for other activities.

Role play - Dress up and pretend to be the Caterpillar or butterfly. I have attached masks to make.

Role play masks

Make a home for the Caterpillar you made earlier in the week. Look in your garden for sticks/leaves/stones.

Ask an adult if you have a spare toilet roll. With an adult wrap the toilet roll around you to make a cocoon (Bed for the caterpillar). Have fun bursting out of the cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

Story sequencing

Number booklet

Have a good day everybody. I look forward to seeing your work.

Miss Braun x


Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good Morning everybody. I hope you had a good day yesterday. Thank you for all the pictures you have been sending me via our Tapestry link. You are all working very hard at home. Please remember if you are unable to access your Tapestry link or need to ask me any questions about your child's learning then please contact me. My e-mail address is cbraun@firbeck.org.uk.

Can you remember which story we are reading this week? I thought we would start today with a song about a caterpillar, it is called "There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf". This is a new song to learn. I have attached a link to the words and the song below.

song words

Caterpillar song

Activity - Write a list

Today I would like you to re-read the story with somebody in your house. As you read the story think about all the food the caterpillar ate.

Can you name 5 pieces of fruit/food?

Have a go at writing the name of the fruit/food.

Listen for the sounds in the words. Look for the letter together.

Draw a picture next to your writing/ list.

The first stages of writing are very important. It is important in the early years that we value the marks that children make. Let your child have a go at writing/making a mark by themselves and then ask them what it says. Write next to it what they say. In Nursery we called this the 'Child's voice'. Some children will be able to hear the sound at the beginning of the word. Say the sound together and find it on the letter mat. Encourage your child to listen for more sounds in the word.

You can write your list on paper, outside with chalk or water. You might even want to paint your words. I have attached a caterpillar list below if you would like to use it.

Writing frame

Tomorrow we are going to begin to learn about the lifecycle of a caterpillar. If you get time today you might want to watch the Cbeebies clip below about caterpillars.


Enjoy your day Nursery. I think later on today I am going to go into my garden to see if I can find a caterpillar.

Miss Braun


Tuesday 21st April 2020

Hello everybody.

Miss Hopton has set you all another exciting weekly challenge. This weeks challenge is a treasure hunt. Miss Hopton would like you to find 5 different objects from either your garden or your house and then choose two words to describe the object. Miss Hopton has made a video which shows you the 5 interesting objects she found in her garden. I will be sending it to you through our Tapestry app today. We look forward to seeing what you find.

I hope you all enjoyed listening to and reading the story of ' The Very Hungry Caterpillar' yesterday. Today we are going to do some more activities based on the story. In the story the caterpillar eats through different fruit on different days. Today it is Tuesday. I remember that he ate through two pears on Tuesday. Today we are going to start with the days of the week song. We have sung this song together in Nursery. Remember children to clap your hands.

Days of the week song - click on the link below.

Days of the week song

There is also a good days of the week song on CBeebies- click on the link below.

CBeebies song


For this activity you can use a variety of resources. You may have some of the fruits from the story in your house which you can use. At the moment I only have apples in my fruit bowl so I am going to draw the pictures. I have also attached some pictures which you can print off and use.

Think about the story you read yesterday. The caterpillar was very hungry. Can you remember what that word meant?

Can you remember which fruits the caterpillar ate on each day? Tell an adult.

How many of each fruit did he eat?

Can you put the fruit or the pictures of the fruit in the correct order?

If you have real fruit try some of the fruits. Which is your favorite fruit? Encourage your child to answer using the sentence "My favorite fruit is.........."

Sequencing ideas - re-telling a story.

Put the fruit in the correct order.

Re-tell the story using a story stick

Click on link below for resources.

Story stick pictures

cut and stick activity

If we were all at Nursery together during our snack time we would have been trying the different fruits from the story and making a caterpillar snack. During this week If you are able to have a go at one of these ideas or you might have your an idea of your own. Please take a photograph and send it to me via Tapestry or my e-mail. I would love to see them.

Snack time caterpillars.

Have a good day everybody. We are missing seeing you all.

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton.


Monday 20th April 2020

Good Morning

Welcome back everybody. I hope you and your family are all well. Today it is the beginning of the Summer term.

We are going to start today with a counting rhyme '5 Little ducks'. The children all enjoy singing this rhyme when we are at Nursery. Before you begin the rhyme count up to 5 on your fingers. Show somebody in your family. If you have any toy ducks in your house you can also use these to help you sing the rhyme.

5 Little Ducks

This week we are going to be focusing on the story ' The Very Hungry Caterpillar'

by Eric Carle.

This is a story I think lots of you will have at home. Don't worry if you do not have the book I have attached a copy of the book for you to listen to together and a copy of the animated film. Click on the links below to access them.

Animated film


Activity - Reading

Today I would like you to read the story together. As you read the book look at the pictures together. What can you see? What does the Caterpillar eat? What does the caterpillar turn into?

When we read a story to the children in Nursery we pick out key words.

Todays word of the day - Hungry - What does the word Hungry mean? Talk to your child about the meaning of the word.

Creative / Play based activity

Have a go at drawing or making your own caterpillar. Below are some pictures and ideas. Most of these caterpillars are made from resources you probably have in your house.

Egg boxes Toilet rolls

Playdough Painting Lego

When you have finished your caterpillar keep it somewhere safe as we will be using them to help us re-tell the story later on in the week.

Have fun.

Miss Braun


Friday 3rd April 2020

Good Morning everybody.

Today it is the last day of the spring term. It has certainly been a different end to the term, however it has been lovely to see children and families working together and helping each other through this unsettling time. If we were at Nursery we would have been having lots of fun learning about Easter, making chocolate nests, going on an Easter egg hunt and lots of Easter crafts. I would still like the children to have the opportunity to do some of these activities, so later on today I will be putting on ideas for Easter activities and an Easter challenge that you can do together over the Easter holidays.

As it is nearly Easter I have chosen a rhyme about 5 little chicks for us to learn today. We sing it to the same tune as 5 little ducks.

Today I have chosen a story that you may have at home 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell.

Click on the link below to listen to the story.



Name the animals in the story.

Draw a picture of an animal from the story. Listen to the first sound in the word. Can you write it down? Can you hear any more sounds in the word?

Do you have a pet at home? Can you draw me a picture of your pet or take a photograph. Tell me something about your pet. For example its name. Ask an adult to help you write it down.

Imaginative play - If you have animal toys at home make a Zoo or make a special home for your animal.

Click on link below for activity sheet.

Dear Zoo activities


Have a good day

Miss Braun.


Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good Morning everybody. I hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Today we are going to start with a song we were learning to sing and sign in our singing session with Fran. It is called " The rainbow song".

Throughout this difficult time the symbol of hope has been a rainbow. When I look out of my window at home I can see lots of pictures/paintings of rainbows in peoples houses.

Todays challenge is 'Can you make a rainbow'

You can use lots of different resources to make your rainbow . Paints, pens,crayons, lego, ribbons.

Have fun making them and remember to send me a photograph.

Remember to also look on the phonics page and Number page for todays work.


Todays story is Wow! said the owl by Tim Hopgood. It is a book all about colours, but look out for something special at the end of the story.

Click on the link below for the story.

Wow said the owl

As you read or listen to the story together ask your child to name the colours in the book. Can they find anything in the house the same colour?

Have a good day everybody. Remember if you need anything just contact me on my e-mail address.

Miss Braun


Wednesday 1st April 2020

Morning Nursery.

Today it is a new month. It is now the month of April. It won't be long until it is Easter.

Today we are going to start with a rhyme you are all very clever at singing.

5 little speckled frogs. Remember Nursery to pretend to jump into the pond when the frog jumps into the pool.

Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log,

eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum.

One jumped into the pool, where it was nice and cool

Now there are four green speckled frogs,

Glub, glub.

Four ….




Can you remember the word we use when a frog jumps into the pool?

We say there is 1 less frog.

Attached are 5 frogs for you to cut out and use when you are singing the song.

Speckled frogs

Can you make your own speckled frog? ( An outline is attached)

frog outline

When we are in Nursery the children have lots of fun playing in the water trays both indoors and outdoors. Water play is an important part of the early years curriculum.

Play based activity.

Today ask an adult if you can have a bowl of water. Put bubbles in it to make it fun. Can you wash your dolls hair? Can you wash a car or a truck? Can you wash your tea set? At Nursery the children enjoy playing with the toy dinosaurs/animals in the water tray. We put toothbrushes into the water and they really enjoy brushing the animals teeth.


Todays story is a story I read a few weeks ago on World book day. It is a rhyming story and it made us all laugh.

Cats sit on mats, hares sit on chairs, mules sit on stools and gophers sit on sofas. But Frog does not want to sit on a log.

Listen to the story to find out what happens next. Click on the link below or look on you tube. if you have the story at home read it together.

Oi frog

After listening to the story have a go at thinking off rhyming words together. Which words rhyme with mat?

Change the words to the Humpty Dumpty rhyme. For example

Humpty Dumpty sat on a log.

Humpty Dumpty saw a big ......... ( Dog or cat ?)

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun


Tuesday 31st March 2020

Hello Everybody

I would like to say a big Thankyou to everybody who has been sending me photographs of the amazing work you have been doing together at home. I have had videos of children singing our rhyme Hickory Dickory dock, pictures of children looking for spring flowers. Lots of fantastic drawings of Gingerbread men, spring flowers and name writing. It has been great to see children sharing books together at home and pictures of children doing lots of fun activities in their gardens . Please keep sending me your pictures. You are all doing a brilliant job at home schooling.

I hope you had fun making Incy Wincy spider yesterday.Todays rhyme is 5 current buns. This is one of Miss Hoptons favourite rhymes. As it is nearly Easter you can change the words to 5 hot cross buns. Start by counting up to 5 on your fingers. Sing the rhyme together.


Look in your money box or ask an adult to help you find 5 one pence coins. Count them together. Draw 5 current buns. As you sing the song ask somebody to buy a bun. How many are left?

Extend the activity - Make a toyshop with your toys. Write price labels up to 5p or 10p. Find some pennies. Choose somebody to be the shop keeper/customer. Buy a toy.

Activity -Mark making/ Name writing.

Can you follow a pattern, draw a picture or write your name.

Here are a some fun ideas using shaving foam, bubble wrap, salt, glitter paint and water / paintbrushes

Remember to send me your pictures on Tapestry or e-mail them to me. I look forward to seeing them.

My e-mail is cbraun@firbeck.org.uk

Miss Braun.


Monday 30th March 2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you have all had a good weekend. I went into my garden this weekend and found a big spider. It looked just like Incy Wincy spider. Today our activities are linked to the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider.

Lets start by singing the rhyme. Can you sing it to somebody in your family? Remember to make the spider with your hands.

Todays activity is to make Incy Wincy spider or a spiders web. Here are a few ideas which use resources that you might have in your house.

Printing using a toilet roll Put the correct number of pegs onto the spider.

Playdough spider Hand print spider /spiders web.

With an adult find out the answers to these questions

How many legs does a spider have? How many eyes does a spider have? Where does a spider live? What do spiders like to eat?

Ask your family the question "Do you like spiders?" Record their answers on a chart - Yes or No

Look around you house or garden. Can you find a spider/spiders web?

Take a photograph or draw a picture.

Listen to/read the story "The very busy spider" by Eric Carle

Look on You tube for the story.

The following clip on Cbeebies shows pictures of spiders for the children to look at.


Remember to keep the spiders that you make or pictures that you draw to show everybody when we are all back together again in Nursery. If you take photographs please upload them to tapestry or e-mail them to me. I am really looking forward to seeing them all.

Have fun

Miss Braun

Friday 27th March 2020

Hello Everybody

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I am missing seeing all of your smiley faces everyday at Nursery. Miss Hopton says a big "Hello" to you all. A big thankyou to everybody who has been sending me pictures on our Tapestry app. It has been lovely to see all of the activities and home learning you have been doing at home. Keep sending them to me as it brightens up my day.

Lets start today Nursery with a Nursery rhyme we enjoy singing together at Nursery. The children really enjoyed learning the second verse.

Verse 1

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Verse 2

Poor old Humpty’s broken in two, but we know just what he needs to do.

Call all the children bring brushes and glue.

We’ll put him together as good as new.

The sun is shining today so I thought it would be nice to go outside into our gardens and do a Garden Scavenger Hunt.

Attached is the link below. Due to the time of year not all items will be found in your garden or outdoor space. You do not need to print it off as you can display it on a phone or Ipad/tablet


This is another good idea we enjoy doing in Nursery

Get out the brushes and a pot of water and let the children mark make on the floor/walls/fences. It's good fun and no tidying required! You could extend the activity further if you have some chalk.

Remember to look at the link below for todays other activities.

Friday activities

Dough Disco

Have a good day.

September 2024


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