Week Beginning 01.06.20

Summer term - 2


Friday 5.6.2020

Happy Friday everybody.

The first week of our new term has gone by really quickly. I cannot believe it is Friday already. Well done Nursery you have all made a great start to the new term.

Today I have found another new rhyme for us to learn together. It is all about a spider. As you say the rhyme pretend you have a spider and copy the actions.

My Special spider

I have a little spider

and I am very fond of him.

He climbs onto my shoulder

and then onto my chin.

He crawls down my arm

and then down my leg.

He’s a tired little spider

So I put him into bed.

To listen to the rhyme and a story on BBC radio click on the link below.

EYfS – Listen and play – A very special spider

BBC School radio

Activity - Spider hunt.

Today have a look to see if you can see any spiders or webs. What else can you see? Can you see any different minibeasts?

Have a go at making some binoculars (Keep them somewhere safe as you might need them next week. )

Activity ideas

Minibeast home learning challenge

Minibeast stick puppets

Minibeast counting

Activity -Leaf people

During the Autumn time the Nursery children made some great pictures of themselves and their families using Autumn leaves. If we had been at Nursery we would have been making these pictures again using green leaves and other materials we could find outside during the summer.

Challenge - Make a leaf person or a leaf family.

Over the next week have a go. Take a photograph. I have put some ideas below.

If you haven't had a go at an activity linked to our stories this week then please choose an activity to try today. Remember to send me your photographs through your Tapestry link or you can e-mail work to me at cbraun@firbeck.org.uk. I look forward to seeing them.

Have a fun Friday everybody.

Miss Braun x


Thursday 4.6.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Thankyou for all the work we received. Miss Hopton and I are really enjoying seeing all the fantastic work and activities you are doing at home. We are missing seeing you everyday at Nursery and we are so proud of you all Nursery for working so hard at home.

Today I have found a rhyme for you to learn all about Ladybirds. As you say the rhyme pretend you have a ladybird on your finger and copy the actions.

Ladybird Ladybird

Ladybird Ladybird fly out of the farm,

and land right onto my little arm.

Ladybird Ladybird fly out of the tree,

and land right onto my little Knee.

Ladybird Ladybird fly out of your bed,

and land right onto my little head.

Ladybird Ladybird fly out of the rose,

And land right onto my little nose.

Click on link for copy of rhyme -Ladybird rhyme

Activity - Story

Today I would like you to listen to or read the story 'What the ladybird heard' by Julia Donaldson. This story is set in a farm yard. As you read the story listen for the rhyming words in the story.

Click on the link to listen to the story -What the Ladybird heard

After reading the story think about the following questions

- Can you name the animals that lived on the farm?

- What did the ladybird hear?

- Which animal did the two men want to take?

Draw a picture of the animals in the story. Can you make the noises of the farm animals?

Have a go at playing the Listening game below. Click on the link -Listening game

Activity ideas

-Ladybird counting. Using play dough make spots for the ladybird eg 3 -3 spots.

Ladybird outline

Counting spots


Sharing books and reading stories together in the 'Early Years' is really important. Books with pictures and no words encourage children to tell the story by looking at and talking about the pictures. Today you may want to take some time to have a look at the following books with your child. They are on the Oxford Owl website. Click on link below.

Oxford Owl Books

Username - firbecknursery

password - 1234

There are some great activities on the site and free e-books for you to share.

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Wednesday 3.6.2020

Good Morning Nursery

Today we are going to start with a rhyme all about a wiggly worm.

Click on the link to sing along with the rhyme


Activity -Speaking and listening Writing

Have a look at the pictures below. Choose a picture and talk about what you can see . Write down what your child says. Some children will be able to have a go at copying the sentence I can see ......

Ladybird pictures

Activity - Move like a minibeast.

I thought it would be fun today to move around like a Minibeast. Find a safe space indoors or outdoors. You might want to play some music.

Ladybird -Crawl like a ladybird, then fly.

Worm - Wiggle along the floor like a worm.

Snail - Slither slowly like a snail.

Ant - March like an ant.

Fly - Zoom like a fly

Spider- keep very still until a pretend fly flies past then jump to catch it.

Can you think of any more Minibeasts?

Ideas for activities.

Toilet roll ladybird. Footprint ladybird.

Have a good Wednesday everybody. Remember to send me your photographs of all the fantastic work or activities you do today.

Miss Braun x


Tuesday 2..6.2020

Good Morning Nursery.

I hope you enjoyed the lovely sunny weather yesterday. I think it is going to be another sunny day today. Did you find any ladybirds on your ladybird hunt?

Rhyme of the day - Buzzy Bees - Counting rhyme.

Todays rhyme is a rhyme we started to learn in Nursery. The children were getting very clever at singing the words and counting on their fingers up to 10.

Click on link for rhyme - Buzzy Bee rhyme

Today I would like you to think about what happened in the story of 'The very lazy ladybird'.

Choose from one of the activities

-Draw a picture of the animals the ladybird met in the story. Can you tell an adult about your pictures.

- Draw a story map. Can you re-tell the story to an adult using your story map?

Ladybird paper

Activity ideas

-With an adult find out 3 facts about a ladybird.

- Ladybird counting. click on link -Ordering numbers

- Ladybird spots

-Memory game.

- Play one of your favorite games with somebody in your family.

Remember to send your pictures to me of the work you do today on your Tapestry link. I really enjoy seeing what you have all been doing at home. Thank you for all the photographs I received yesterday. If you need any help with this please send me an e-mail at cbraun@firbeck.org.uk

Have a good day

Miss Braun x


Monday 1.6.2020

Hello Nursery

Welcome back. I hope you and your family are all well and you have had a good week at home. The weather has been great. I have been enjoying the sunshine and spending lots of time in my garden.

Today we begin a new term learning from home. This half term we are going to start with a mini topic on 'Minibeasts'. (Insects) . We are going to begin with Ladybirds. This week I will be asking you to read or listen to the following stories.

Rhyme of the day - Incy Wincy Spider

Lets start by singing the rhyme. Can you sing it to somebody in your family? Remember to make the spider with your hands.

Activity -Story - The very lazy ladybird by Isobel Finn and Jack Tickle

Before you read the story ask your child the following questions.

- Have they seen a Ladybird before? Where was it?

- What colour was the ladybird? Did it have spots?

- Do ladybirds fly?

Talk with your child about the meaning of the word Lazy.

Read or listen to the story together.

Click on link for story - The very lazy ladybird

Talk about the story together

- What did the ladybird not want to do?

- Which animals did he land on?

- What happened in the story to make the ladybird fly?

Draw a picture of a ladybird.

Watch the clip on CBeebies - Join Jess as she tells us all about Ladybirds.

CBeebies EXCLUSIVE clip - Minibeast Adventure - Ladybirds - YouTube

Cbeebies -Ladybirds

Activity ideas

Go on a ladybird hunt - Turn over leaves, roll back stones and look on window frames. Can you see any ladybirds?

Make a ladybird -During the week have a go at making a ladybird. Here are a few ideas


Please remember to also look at the phonics, number and other sections of our Nursery page for daily activities and ideas. These are located under school closure and then click on the page you would like to look at.

If you need any more activity ideas, have any questions or just want to say "Hello" then please contact me on my e-mail cbraun@firbeck.org.uk I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your day everybody

Miss Braun x

September 2024


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