Home Learning
Whilst school is open for some, we know that many children are still learning from home either some of the time or all of the time. For those still learning at home, we're now using BBC Bitesize's Daily Lessons. Follow the link and find the relevant year group for all the instructions, resources, videos, quizzes, stories, questions and activities.
What should the timetable be?
Every day, children should aim to do some English, Maths and a piece of Topic work. Topic work can be History, Science, Geography, DT, Art, Computing, RE, Music or Wellbeing.
If your child is in school part-time, it may be that they are already doing some English and Maths. In that case, they could just do Topic work from home.
The day's English and Maths are available from BBC Bitesize.
For Topic you have 3 options
- Complete the daily Topic lesson from BBC Bitesize.
- Complete a Topic lesson from BBC Bitesize that hasn't been done yet.
- Work on the Family Learning project. (Use the link on the left side panel. This is a great option if you have children in different year groups).