Week Beginning 29.06.20

Wednesday 1.7.2020

Good Morning everybody

I hope you are all having a good week. Today it is the beginning of a new month. It is now the month of July. Does anybody in your family have a birthday in July?


Todays rhyme is the 'Rainbow song'. Have a go at singing it with somebody in your family.

Rainbow Song

Red and yellow and pink and green.

Orange and purple and blue.

I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.

Listen with your ears.
Listen with yours eyes
and sing everything you see!
I can sing a rainbow.
Sing a rainbow,
Sing along with me...

Repeat first verse.

Do you know how a rainbow is made?


Today we are going to start our 'Elmer' the elephant theme. Have a look to see if you have the book 'Elmer' by David Mckee at home. Read the story together.

After reading the story talk about the following

What happened in the story?

Which bush did Elmer find?

What happened at the end of the story?

How are you the same as your friends/family? How are you different? For example do you have the same colour hair?

Activities - Colour hunt

Elmer is a patchwork elephant. Have a look at a picture of Elmer. How many different colours can you see?

Look around your house or outside. Can you find 5 green objects, blue objects, red objects or yellow objects.


Make a picture of Elmer - Draw, paint or use collage materials. Remember to use lots of different colours.

Knowledge and understanding of the world.

Have you seen an elephant before?

With an adult look for pictures of real elephants.

With an adult can you find out the difference between an Indian elephant and an African elephant.

With an adult look at a map of the world. Can you find Nottingham/England on a map?

Can you find India and Africa on the map of the world?

What do elephants like to eat?

Do elephants live in families like us or do they live on their own?

My favourite animal is an Elephant. What is your favourite animal?

Miss Hopton's challenge of the week.

This week we would like you to have a go at making Elmer out of a milk bottle carton.

Miss Hopton has made a step by step guide showing you how to make Elmer. I have sent everybody the link on Tapestry. Below are a few of the photographs just in case you cannot access your link.

You will need:

4 pint milk carton



Coloured paper.

Ask an adult to help you cut out the Elmer shape. Remember to only use scissors if an adult is with you.

When you have finished take a photograph of Elmer and send it to us using your Tapestry link or you can e-mail it to me at cbraun@ firbeck.org.uk. I will put all the photographs I receive on our class page to make our own 'Elmer parade' just like the parade in the story. Have fun making your Elmer

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Monday 29.6.2020

Good Morning everybody. I hope you and your families are all well and you have had a good weekend. Today we begin another exciting week of home learning together.

Today I have given you another new rhyme to learn at home. It is all about seashells on the sea shore.

Five Little Seashells
Five little seashells, (hold up five fingers)
Sleeping on the shore,
Swish went a big wave, (swish a wave with second hand)
Then there were four! (tuck one finger down)

Four little seashells, (hold up four fingers)
Quiet as can be,
Swish went a big wave, (swish a wave with second hand)
Then there were three! (tuck one finger down)

Three little seashells, (hold up three fingers)
Pearly, white and new,
Swish went a big wave, (swish a wave with second hand)
Then there were two! (tuck one finger down)

Two little seashells, (hold up two fingers)
Having great fun,
Swish went a big wave, (swish a wave with second hand)
Then there was one! (tuck one finger down)

One little seashell, (hold up one fingers)
Lying in the sun,
Swish went a big wave, (swish a wave with second hand)
Then there were none! (tuck all fingers down)

Have a go at drawing five sea shells to use as you say the rhyme together.

There are lots of fantastic stories about fish and sea creatures. Have a look in your house to see if you can find any stories to read and share today. One of my favourite stories is 'Barry the fish with fingers' by Sue Hendra.

On Friday we were learning about fish. Today I would like you to choose a different sea creature to learn about. You might want to choose a shark, Octopus, crab or seahorse. Today with an adult I would like you to find out some interesting facts about the sea creature you have chosen. For example what does it like to eat? Does it have teeth? Does it have a fin? What colour is it?

Can you draw,paint or collage a picture of the sea creature ?

Can you make your sea creature out of playdough?

On Wednesday we are going to start a new theme all about the Story 'Elmer' by David Mckee. During the week we will be having a go at making Elmer out of a used milk carton. Over the next few days can you save an empty milk carton ready for the activity.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun x

September 2024


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