Week Beginning 22.06.20

Week beginning 22.6.2020

Thursday 25.6.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you have all had a good few days and you have been enjoying the beautiful sunny weather.

Today I have given you a new rhyme to learn at home. It is all about different sea creatures.

The Waves in the Sea
(sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)
The waves in the sea go,
Up and down, (make a rolling wave by moving one hand up and down)
Up and down,
Up and down,
The waves in the sea go,
Up and down,
All day long.

The sharks in the sea go,
Snap, snap, snap… (hold two hands together, joined at the wrist, to form a mouth, snap open and shut)

The fish in the sea go,
Swish, swish, swish… (swim hands around as fish)

The crabs in the sea go
Click, click, click… (click fingers)

Can you think of any more sea creatures to add to the rhyme?


I hope you enjoyed reading or listening to the story' Horray for fish' by Lucy Cousins. In the story there are lots of different fish. Today with an adult I would like you to find out some information about fish. Have a go at answering the following questions


How do fish move?

Where do fish live?

Do fish have legs?

Does a fish have bones?

How does a fish breathe under water?

Activity - Make a patterned fish.

In the story a lot of the fish have different patterns on them. Some have spots and some have stripes. Today have a go at making a fish with a pattern on it. You could use paint, collage materials, playdough, Remember to take a photograph of your fish and send it to us on Tapestry.

Name writing - Practice writing your name. Have a go at using different resources. For example pencil, crayon, paint, chalk , water and paintbrushes outside.

Number rockets - Practice counting forwards and backwards to 10. When your child becomes confident with this begin counting on different numbers. For example 0-5.

Have a great day everybody. Enjoy the sunshine.

Miss Braun x


Monday 22.6.2020

Good Morning everybody

I hope you have all had a good weekend and you have managed to spent some time outside when the rain showers stopped.

This week we are going to begin a new theme 'Under the sea'.

Today I thought we would start by learning an under the water dance. Some children might remember this from last year.

Join Cat on an underwater adventure.

Click link - Under water dance

This week we are going to be thinking of all the different creatures that live under the sea. We are going to start with a story all about different types of fish.

Story - Horray for fish by Lucy Cousins

Read or listen to the story. Click on link for story. Hooray for fish

- listen for the rhyming words in the story.

- Look at the pictures together. What different types of fish can you see?

- Are all the fish real fish?

Activity - Which creatures/fish live in the sea?

With an adult find out which creatures/fish live in the sea. Write a list together. Draw a picture of the creatures/fish.

Number activity - Counting objects.

Look around your garden or collect objects together when you are out on a walk. Write the numbers 1 to 5 on a large piece of paper. Ask your child to find a certain number of objects. For example can you find 5 daisies? Put or stick the daisies next to the correct number.

If your child confidently counts a group of 5 objects extend the activity using numbers to 10.

Water play - Washing Station

Set up a washing station in the garden and get your child to clean some toys. You’ll need a few bowls of warm water – some with soap in for washing and some without for rinsing – along with sponges and brushes for scrubbing and towels (or paper towels) for drying. You could make this activity more specific, for example, it could be a car wash (for cleaning all the toy vehicles) or a laundry (for washing and pegging out toy clothes).

Have a good day.

Miss Braun x

September 2024


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