Week Beginning 18.05.20

Friday 22.5.2020

Good Morning Nursery

I hope that you all enjoyed the gorgeous weather yesterday. Lets hope the sun is going to shine again today.

Today it is the last day of this half term, I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. It has certainly been a different term, however it has been lovely to see children and families working together at home. We are so proud of each and every one of you for all the hard work, amazing activities and work you have been doing together. I really miss seeing everybody at Nursery so when I receive photographs and e-mails telling me all about the things you have been doing it really brightens up my day and puts a big smile on my face.

Today I thought we would start with something different to wake us all up. "Cosmic yoga time- 'Old Macdonald had a farm'. Click on the link

Yoga time

We all enjoy singing this song at Nursery. Have a go at singing it today. Which animals are you going to choose? Have a go at drawing or painting one of the animals.

I hope you all enjoyed the story of 'Rainbow fish' this week If you haven't had a go at the 'Hand of Kindness activity' or making a 'Rainbow fish' have a go today. I am really looking forward to seeing your work.

Activity ideas

Today our activities are not linked to the story. Choose an activity to have a go at.

- Make a ladybird.

Paint a stone to make a ladybird.

Cutting activity -ladybird

Colour by numbers -Minibeasts

- Make a paper rainbow to say 'Thankyou' to somebody in your family.

- Make a reading den ( Inside or outside). Find some cushions, blankets, sheets. Choose your favorite books to take inside and read.

- Fill a shallow tray with oats/sand/glitter/ fairy liquid. Using a paint brush practice writing the letters we have learnt in phonics. Have a go at writing your name.

- Go on a number/letter hunt inside or outside. Write the letters or numbers we have learnt this week on paper. hide them in different places. Ask your child to find them. Can them say the letter sound? What number can they see? Can they jump/clap/ find objects to match the number?

- Phonics activity - Find objects beginning with the following sounds S,a,t,p,c,m ( you can also choose the other sounds we have learnt). Place them in a saucepan/bowl and pretend to stir the objects with a wooden spoon and mix. Encourage your child to take each object out and say the name of the object and the sound it begins with.(Remember to over pronounce the first sound in the word to help your child hear it.)

Have a good day everybody and enjoy next week. Make sure you all take time to rest, relax and spend time together.

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Thursday 21. 5. 2020

Happy Thursday.

I hope you all got to spend a bit of time in the sunshine yesterday. I think it is going to be sunny again today. Thank you for all the fantastic work you sent us yesterday. You are all very busy working at home. This is a picture of Abigail's 'Hand of kindness'. She has been really clever and turned her hand into the rainbow fish.

Remember to have a go at making your hand of kindness this week ( See 19.5.2020 for activity). We are really looking forward to seeing your pictures and hearing about your acts of kindness.

Rhyme of the day - The wheels on the bus. Sing and sign the song.

Can you think of some more verses to go with the song?

Wheels on the bus 1

Wheels on the bus -signing

I have also found a rhyme about dinosaurs to the same tune.

Dinosaur song

Rainbow fish story

At the end of the story Rainbow fish was very happy because he had made friends with the other fish.


- Draw a picture for your friends at Nursery. You could draw a picture of you and your friends.

When you have drawn your picture send it to me through Tapestry or to my e-mail address. I can then put the pictures on our Nursery page for all your friends to see.

- Remember to have a go at drawing, painting or making your own Rainbow fish.


Activity ideas for outdoors .

Minibeast Hunt or Garden scavenger hunt.

- Go on a Minibeast hunt. What insects can you find?

Mini beasts sheet

- Garden Scavenger Hunt

Attached is the link below. You do not need to print it off as you can display it on a phone or Ipad/tablet.


Water play

- Wash your dolls, cars, dinosaurs, tea set in a bowl of water.

- Wash your dolls/teddies clothes in a bowl of water. Hang them out to dry.

- Play with your toys/boats in a bowl of water.

Nature picture

- Make a nature picture.

Remember to also look for phonics and number activities under the school closure page.

Have a good day everybody. I look forward to hearing about all the lovely things you do.

Miss Braun x


Wednesday 20.5.2020

Good Morning everybody.

I am really enjoying seeing all of your fantastic rainbow fish pictures. Here is one that I was sent yesterday.

Rhyme of the day - Row row row your boat. As you sing the rhyme listen for the rhyming words.

Verse One

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily. Life is but a dream.

Verse Two

Row row row your boat, gently down the river.

If you see a polar bear, don't forget to shiver.

Verse Three

Row row row your boat, gently to the shore.

If you see a lion there, don't forget to roar.

Verse Four

Row row row your boat gently down the stream.

If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream.

Click on link for rhyme.

Cbeebies Row row row your boat

Row row row your boat

Rainbow Fish story

In the story Rainbow fish learns that he can make friends by being kind and sharing his special shiny scales, This makes all the fish smile.

Activity - Miss Hoptons challenge - Make a smiley face.

The easiest way to be kind to someone is to give them a great big smile.

How many different ways can you make a smiley face? Here are some of Miss Hoptons ideas.

Click on link - Faces

Take a photograph of your smiley face and send it to me. I will then put it on our class page for everybody to see.

Yesterday my five year old nephew made me smile by phoning me up and telling me a new joke he had learnt.

Joke - Where do fish keep their money?

In the riverbank.

Have a go at telling this joke to somebody in your family today.

Have a good day Nursery and Keep smiling.

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Tuesday 19.5.2020

Hello Nursery.

Thankyou so much for working so hard at home. We are really proud of you. Here are some of the photographs I have been sent over the past few days of the amazing things you have been doing at home. Take a look at our 'Celebrating home learning page' to see lots more.

Jack and Ezmae designed and made this amazing Lego house together.

Drawing Mummy and name writing.

Making pizza.



Rainbow fish picture.

Did you enjoy the story of the 'Rainbow fish' yesterday? Today Miss Hopton is going to read you all the story. I have sent you all a link through your Tapestry page.

Rhyme of the day - Rainbow song

Sing and sign the song with somebody in your house.

Click on links for song.

Rainbow song BBC

Rainbow song Cbeebies

Rainbow Fish story

We chose the story of the Rainbow fish because it is a story all about Sharing, friendship and kindness. This week we are going to be thinking of ways to be kind and why it is important.

Think about the story - What does Rainbow fish give away?

- What does Rainbow fish do to be kind?

- How does Rainbow fish feel at the end of the story?

Activity - Kindness hand.

For this activity you will need to either draw around your hand or make a hand print using paint. You could make it look like the Rainbow fish. With an adult think about all the kind things you have done or the kind things that have been done for you. For example your brothers and sisters playing with you, your Mum or Dad cooking your tea, tidying your bedroom or phoning a Grandparent to say hello. During the week think of five acts of kindness and with an adults help write each one on a finger of your hand outline.

Activity ideas

- Add some glitter or sparkly bits to your playdough. Make Rainbow fish.

- Imaginative role play - Make a pretend boat to sail on the ocean. Look around your house to see if you have an empty cardboard box, cushions , material.

I think the sun is going to shine today so hopefully you will all get to go outside and spend some time in your gardens or go on a walk. Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun x


Monday 18.5.2020

Good Morning Nursery from Miss Braun and Miss Hopton.

We hope you all had a good weekend. Today it is Monday so we begin another week together learning from home.

Lets start today with the rhyme 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. You were all really clever at singing this song a few weeks ago. Remember to count up to 10 on your fingers as you sing the song.

Our book of the week is ' Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. A lot of the activities I plan this week will be based around this book. Please let me know if you have any activity ideas you would like to share.

Activity - Shared reading

Read and listen to the story together. You may have the book at home or click on the link below to hear the story being read.

Rainbow fish story

After reading the story talk together about the following

- What happened in the story?

- Where did Rainbow fish live?

- What did Rainbow fishes scales look like?

- What does the word shiny mean? Can you find any shiny objects in your house or outside?

- Do you have any fish at home? if you do what are their names. What colour are they? Draw a picture of your fish.

Activity - Make your own Rainbow fish.

During the week have a go at making your own rainbow fish. I have put some activity ideas below.

Rainbow fish outline

Home learning activities

Please remember to also look at the phonics, number and other sections of our Nursery page for daily activities and ideas. These are located under school closure and then click on the page you would like to look at.

Our Family learning page has activities for all age groups linked to one theme. This weeks theme is 'Animals'. Click on the page to find out more.

If you need any more activity ideas or you have any questions you would like to ask then please contact me on my e-mail cbraun@firbeck.org.uk I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun x


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