Week Beginning 15.06.20

Week beginning 15.6.2020

Friday 19.6.2020

Good Morning Nursery

It is Friday today and we are at the end of another week. Yesterday I got a fantastic picture of a monster from one of the Nursery children.

If you haven't made your monster yet you might want to have a go today or over the weekend.

Today I have new rhyme for us to learn about a monster.


Look around your house to see if you can find different shaped objects. Can you find a circle, square, triangle, rectangle? Can you find any 3-shapes. For example a cereal box. Have a go at using the shapes you find to make a shape monster.

Shape monster

Make a monster sandwich

Number activity

You will need a dice and some counters or objects to use for eyes. Using the template (or you can draw your own monster) roll the dice, count the spots and put the correct number of eyes onto your monster.

monster template

Topmarks has a game linked to shape monsters that you might want to have a go at today.

Today I think it is going to be another rainy day so you might want to take some time to play a game with your family, find one of your favourite jigsaw puzzles to do, maybe have a go at some baking.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun x


Thursday 18.6.2020

Hello Nursery

Today we are going to start with a counting song all about Monsters .Can you count up to 5 on you fingers? You could look around your house to see if you have 5 teddies or monsters to use as you sing the song.

5 Little Monsters jumping on te bed.

Five little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said

“No more monsters jumping on the bed”.

Repeat with 4,3,2,1, monsters.

Click on link -5 monster pictures

Today we are going to think about the story' Monstersaurus' by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. Look at your Tapestry page to listen to Miss Hopton reading the story.

Activity - Make or design a monster.

In the story Monty invents a monster. Today I would like you to have a go at inventing your own monster.

- Draw or make your monster. Here are a few ideas

Playdough monster. Leaf monsters


Think of a name for your monster.

Think about how they are feeling. Are they a happy monster,sad monster or a scary monster?

Remember to send us a picture of your monster on your Tapestry link or you can e-mail it to me at cbraun@firbeck.org.uk

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun x


Wednesday 17.6.2020

Good Morning Nursery.

I hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Today I have sent you all a phonics lesson to join in with. Have a look at your child's tapestry page to access it. Have fun joining in.

Have a good day

Miss Braun x


Tuesday 16.6.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you are all having a good day.

Today we are going to start thinking about our theme of 'Monsters'.

We are going to start by reading or listening to the story 'Monstersaurus' by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. It is about a boy called Monty. Monty loves inventing, but things don't always work. Today I am sending you the story read by Miss Hopton on your Tapestry link. Listen to the story to find out what happens next .

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Monday 15.6.2020

Hello Everybody

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I am missing seeing all of your smiley faces everyday at Nursery. Miss Hopton says a big "Hello" to you all. A big thank you to everybody who has been sending me pictures on our Tapestry app or through e-mail.. It has been lovely to see all of the activities and home learning you have been doing at home. Keep sending them to me as it brightens up my day.

Lets start today Nursery with a Nursery rhyme we enjoy singing together at Nursery. The children really enjoyed learning the second verse.

Verse 1

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Verse 2

Poor old Humpty’s broken in two, but we know just what he needs to do.

Call all the children bring brushes and glue.

We’ll put him together as good as new.


Listen carefully to the rhyme. Can you hear the rhyming words?

Can you think of any more words to rhyme with sat ?

Humpty Dumpty is an egg. What happened when he fell off the wall?

What do you think would happen if an egg fell on the floor? ( Maybe you could ask an adult to help you find out if you have a spare egg in the house. )

Have a go at decorating an egg today. Make it into Humpty Dumpty or a person.

Decorate Humpty Dumpty - You could use crayons, paint, collage materials.

Humpty Dumpty outline

Make a new wall for Humpty Dumpty - use lego, blocks, old boxes, sugar cubes.

Activity ideas

Activity -Mark making/ Name writing.

Can you follow a pattern, draw a picture or write your name.

Here are a some fun ideas using shaving foam, bubble wrap, salt, glitter paint and water / paintbrushes.


Sharing books and reading stories together in the 'Early Years' is really important. Books with pictures and no words encourage children to tell the story by looking at and talking about the pictures. Today you may want to take some time to have a look at the following books with your child. They are on the Oxford Owl website. Click on link below.

Oxford Owl reading

Username - firbecknursery

password - 1234

There are some great activities on the site and free e-books for you to share.

Tomorrow we are going to start a new theme all about 'Monsters'. Today have a look at your books to see if you have any stories with Monsters in. Let me know if you find any.

Have a good day everybody.

Miss Braun xx

September 2024


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