Week Beginning 13.07.20

Tuesday 14.7.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Todays rhyme is ' The wheels on the bus'. Sing the song with somebody in your family.


The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round. All day long.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep ........

The wipers on the bus go swish,swish,swish ........

The driver on the bus says "Tickets please" .............

Can you think of anymore verses?

Todays story is 'Were Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. This is a book I think lots of you will have at home. I know that lots of children in our Nursery enjoy listening to and re-telling this story.

Read the story together either with the book or look for the online version read by Michael Rosen.

Can children join in with the repeated phrases?

Can they remember what happens next in the story?

What did the family find in the cave?


Draw, paint or make a bear - Think about the different colours and shapes you could use. Can you describe the bear?

Make a cave/den for the bear - Use lego, cardboard boxes, sheets to make a cave for the bear to live it. Can you explain to a grown up how you have made it?

Re-telling the story - Talk about all of the places that the family go during their bear hunt. Can you find some of these areas in your garden? Swishy swashy grass, thick oozy mud, a pile of sticks.

- At Nursery we will often pretend to go on a bear hunt outside whilst we repeat the story. The children really enjoy it and it brings the story to life. We use pieces of material, pictures on paper or trays with water, mud, grass inside.

Draw or make a storymap - When we are at Nursery the children really enjoy drawing story maps. The children draw what they can remember from the story and then they tell an adult what they have drawn. Another idea is to make a collage story map.

Have a great day everybody.

Miss Braun x


Monday 13.7.2020

Good Morning Nursery

It has been lovely to have the sunshine back this weekend. I hope you have all had time to go outside and spend time with your families.

Today we begin our last week together of home learning. For lots of our children this will be your last week in Nursery before you start your Reception year at Firbeck or start at your new schools. We are so proud of all of the Nursery children for all of their hard work over the past few months. It has been so lovely to receive daily work and pictures from all of the children showing us all the fantastic work and activities you have been doing together at home. We would like to say a big "Thankyou" to all of you for all your hard work and support you have given your child over the past few months. It has been lovely to see children and families working together and helping each other through these unsettling time. On Friday I received a lovely picture from one of the Nursery children. It really brightened up my day.


This week I have planned activities around the Nursery children's favourite stories. Today I have chosen 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. I have read the story and sent everybody a link on their Tapestry page.


Read the story of ' 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. If you do not have the actual book look for the story online or the animated story on the BBC I-Player.

After reading the story talk about the story together. Where did the mouse go for a walk? Which animals did the mouse and Gruffalo meet? Did the animals want to eat the mouse? Can you describe the Gruffalo? How did the mouse trick the Gruffalo?

Gruffalo song

Listen to and join in with the Gruffalo song.

Activity ideas

Make the Gruffalo - use paints, collage materials or playdough.

Draw or paint your favourite character from the story - Think about what colours and shapes you could use.

Make a Gruffalo cave - Use lego, cardboard boxes, sheets to make a house for the Gruffalo to live it. Can you explain to a grown up how you have made it?

Make a log pile house for the snake - Using toilet roll tubes have a go at making a log pile house for the snake. How many tubes did you use?

Have a discussion about Woodland animals - Where do they live? Find out information about the different animals. Can you think of another animal that might live in the woods ? Talk about the differences between each animal.

Go on a woodland walk with your family - Look around for woodland animals and insects.

The Gruffalo was going to eat Scrambled snake and Gruffalo crumble. Over the next few days have scrambled eggs for you breakfast or lunch. With a grown up make a crumble. Count and measure the ingredients together.

Remember to sent us your photographs of all the activities and work you do on your Tapestry link or you can e-mail them to me at cbraun@firbeck.org .uk We look forward to seeing them all.

If your child has a favourite story they would like us to read together this week please send me a message and I will plan activity ideas around the story.

Keep smiling everybody and enjoy your day.

Miss Braun x

September 2024


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