Week Beginning 08.06.20

Week beginning 8.6.2020

Friday 12.6.2020

Hello Nursery

We are all at the end of a busy week. You have all worked so hard and you have produced some brilliant minibeast work.

Today we are going to start with a movement song. This is one we enjoy doing together when we are at Nursery.

The pirate song. Click on link - Pirate song

Rhymes - Over the past two weeks we have learnt lots of new rhymes about minibeasts. Choose your favorite rhyme to sing with somebody in your house today.

Activity ideas

- Play a game called 'Who am I' . You will need pictures of minibeasts. You could have a go at drawing some or use the minibeast photograph sheet from the other day.

Take it in turns to describe a minibeast and the other person guesses which one it is. For example "I have no legs and am wriggly" "its a worm".

Click here - Minibeast game cards

- Take photographs or draw a picture of places where a minibeast might live.

- Minibeast chart - Ask your family which is their favorite minibeast. Put a mark next to the picture and count how many. Click here - Minibeast chart

- Decorate a biscuit

This week the weather hasn't been great and it has been a rainy week. You might want to have a go at this activity together

Over the next few weeks have a go at this challenge

Can you make a home for a mini beast to put in your garden?

Following our work on 'Minibeasts', I thought it would be a great idea to try and make a minibeast home for our gardens.

There are lots of simple ways that this can be done using things that you might find in your garden and around your home. Here are a few ideas

When you have made your minibeast house take a photograph and send it to us. I will then make a gallery of photgraphs so all your friends can see what you have made. Have fun making them.

Have a good day everybody. Keep smiling

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Thursday 11.6.2020

Good Morning everybody

I hope you are all ok. Yesterday it was a bit of a rainy day, I hope the sun comes out for us all today.

Today I have a new rhyme for us to learn.

One elephant went out to play

Repeat verse with 2,3,4 and 5 elephants.

Click here - One elephant rhyme

Click here - Elephant stick puppets

Activity - Story

Today I am sending you all a story which is read by Miss Hopton. ( Look on your Tapestry page for the story) It is called 'Walters wonderful web'.

Look at the front cover. What do you think the story is going to be about? Which minibeast can you see on the front cover?

Have you seen a spider before? Have you seen a spiders web? What did it look/feel like?

Listen to or read the story together. Talk about the story together.

Activity ideas

Fine motor control - Use a peg/tongs to rescue the flies from the web.

-Make a spiders web

- Make your own Incy Wincy Spider rhyme book. Click here Rhyme

Remember to keep looking for minibeasts.

Enjoy your day

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton


Wednesday 10.6.2020

Good Morning everybody

Here are some fantastic pictures of snails made by the Nursery children yesterday.

Today we are going to learn a new rhyme about a bee.

Click here for rhyme - Bee rhyme


Over the past few days we have learnt about ladybirds, slugs and snails. Today we are going to think about some more minibeasts.

- Can you think of any different minibeasts you might find ? Tell an adult and ask them to write it down. Have a go at drawing a picture.

- Have a look at these pictures. Do you know what they are? Have a close look to see if they have legs, wings, eyes. Ask your child questions about the pictures. For example does a worm have legs? How does a worm move? Can you move along the floor like a worm?

Click here - Minibeast photographs

Click here - Sorting minibeasts

Remember to try and go on a minibeast hunt this week around your garden or maybe to the park. Let us know what you find.

Play the minibeast quiz with Jess on CBeebies - click on link - Minibeast game

Activity ideas

Role play -dress up as a insect/minibeast.

Creative - If you have a plastic spoon in your house see if you can make it into a minibeast.

- Have a go at making a hand print minibeast.

-Playdough minibeasts

Remember to send me pictures of your work and I can put them on our class page for all your friends to see.

This is a fun song I found all about minibeasts. Listen and join in with the song on CBeebies - Minibeast rap.

Click here -Minibeast song

Please remember to also look at the phonics, number and other sections of our Nursery page for daily activities and ideas. These are located under school closure and then click on the page you would like to look at.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Tuesday 9.6.2020

Happy Tuesday everybody.

Thankyou for all the fantastic work you sent us yesterday.

Todays rhyme is a counting rhyme - Zoom Zoom zoom were going to the moon.

Click on link - Zoom zoom zoom

Activity - story

Re-read or listen to the story again.

( Listen to Miss Hopton read the story. I have sent everybody a link on tapestry )

With your child think about the following questions;

- What did Norman make his shell from?

- Which animal picked Norman up?

- What did Norman do? What did he make?

-What happened at the end of the story?

- Do you have a favorite part of the story?

Activity - Make or follow a snail/slug trail

Make a pattern or follow a pattern. Use pens, crayons, chalks, paint or glitter to decorate your pattern.

Minibeasts patterns

Pattern sheets

Activity - Scissor skills.

If you have any spare toilet rolls around the house you might want to have a go at this activity together.

Remember to keep looking for minibeasts today. Take a photograph or draw a picture to show Miss Braun and Miss Hopton what you find.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


Monday 8.6.2020

Good Morning everybody.

I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend.

Today it is Monday and we begin a new week learning together at home. This week we are continuing with our theme 'Minibeasts'.

Today I have a new rhyme for us to learn all about five snails. Can you count up to five on your fingers?

Continue the rhyme with 3,2,1 snails. Each time change the colour of the snail.

Over the next few days the activities I plan are going to be linked to the story "Norman the slug with the silly shell" by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Today Miss Hopton is going to read you all the story. I have sent everybody the link on your Tapestry page.

Before you listen to the story look at the front cover together. What can you see? What do you think the story is going to be about?

Talk about the story together?

What did Norman the slug want?

What did Norman use to make his shell?

Watch the following clip with Jess from CBeebies. Today she has some snails.

Click on link to watch - Snails


Have a look outside today to see if you can find any slugs or snails.

Can you find out 3 interesting facts about a slug and snail ? Do they have legs? How do they move around?

This week have a go at making a snail. Here are a few ideas

Using old CD and buttons. Finger painting

Rolling paper Paper plate

Challenge of the week - Design and make Norman the slug a new shell.

Have fun together making a new shell for Norman. Look around your house or outside to see what you could use. Maybe you could use a ball, a balloon or a rolled up pair of socks. Take a photograph or draw a picture. I am looking forward to seeing all of your fantastic ideas.

Click on link for sheet - Snail challenge

Remember to have a look on the 'Family learning page' for this weeks project. The theme this week is Food.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun and Miss Hopton xx


September 2024


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