
Each day I have planned an activity for you and your child to do together at home. I have also made a list of other activities that you might want to try. These activities either use no resources or resources you will have in your house. Click on the link below

Number activities


Summer term -2

Welcome back to our daily number sessions.

Week Two -8.6.2020

Monday 8.6.2020

When we are at Nursery we always begin our number session with a movement rhyme, counting rhyme or pattern rhyme. This week I have chosen two rhymes for your child to practice at home, these are rhymes the children should know.

Rhymes- 1,2, buckle my shoe .............

- Pattern rhyme

Counting rocket - counting forwards and backwards.

Click on the link below for rhymes.



Todays activity is to measure different objects and to use the words long, short, longer, shorter.

With your child chose two objects and measure them. ( You could use spoons, sticks,socks,)Talk about the objects as you measure them. For example "The wooden spoon is long and the metal spoon is short."


- Find 3 objects longer than a pencil and 3 objects shorter than a pencil.

Take a photograph or draw a picture of the objects that you find.

You might also want to have a go at these activities.

Playdough worms- Use your playdough to make a long worm and a short worm.

Order a group of objects from the longest to the shortest .


Tuesday 9.6.2020

Todays activity - How long are you?

Remind your child of the language they used yesterday to measure objects -long, short, longer, shorter.

Ask you child to lie on the floor and measure them with a piece of tape, wool or string. Ask them to stand up. Using socks, blocks, pencils or any other objects from around the house measure the tape to see how long they are. Record how many? Have a go at measuring somebody else in your house. Compare. who is the longest? Who is the shortest?

You might also want to have a go at these activities this week.

Draw around your families hands or feet. measure them using cubes, blocks. socks..... Who has the longest foot? Who has the shortest foot?


Wednesday 10.6.2020

Todays activity is linked to sharing different amounts of toys between two people.


Thursday 11.6.2020

Todays activity is to introduce the children to estimation.


Week One - 1.6.2020

Monday 1.6.2020

When we are at Nursery we always begin our number session with a movement rhyme, counting rhyme or pattern rhyme. This week I have chosen two rhymes for your child to practice at home, these are rhymes the children should know.

Rhymes -1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a shark alive ............

Stand as tall as a house .........

Click on the link below for the rhymes.


Todays activity is to develop children's counting skills and listening skills.

Counting jar or counting drum.

Look around your house and find a container and some objects. For example some wooden blocks, pasta, coins, sweets.

Ask your child to close their eyes and listen. Drop objects into the container one at a time. Ask your child to count the objects as they hear them drop. Encourage them to count out loud and count on their fingers. Repeat with numbers from 1-5.

(This activity can also be done by clapping hands and listening to how many.)

Extend activity

Give your child paper and a pen ask them to make a mark each time they hear an object drop. Count how many marks and write the number.

Extend to numbers 5-10


Tuesday 2.6.2020

Todays activity is to recognize a dice pattern and to count the spots on dice.

It is important that children get to see numbers in different ways. Find a dice, count the spots. How many?

Activity -Build a tower. Roll the dice and count the spots. Count out the correct number of blocks to build tower. Repeat with different number. ( If you do not have blocks you can use toys, cars, fruit to make a group of objects)

Extra ideas - Play a game together which has a dice. For example snakes and ladders.

- Make your own dice. Roll the dice. Count spots. Can you do 4 jumps?

- Using fruit to make dice patterns.


Wednesday 3.6.2020

Todays activity is go on a shape hunt around your house or garden.

At Nursery we introduce the children to shape through exploring shapes, playing and building with shapes and looking for shapes in the environment. We look at a shape and introduce the children to the name of the shape.We describe the shape using the language straight side, curved side and corners.

Shape Hunt -Look around your house for different shapes. Can you find a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star ? What other shapes can you find? How many sides does the shape have? Can you draw the shape? Take a photograph of the shapes you find.


Thursday 4.5.2020

Todays activity is to make a shape or a shape picture.

Use different shapes/materials to make a picture. Tell an adult what shapes you have used.

Draw around shapes.

Cut around shapes - Look in magazines for shapes.

Use magnetic shapes or construction toys.


Friday 5.6.2020

Todays activity is to play a game of skittles/bowling/hopscotch with somebody in your family.

You might already have skittles at home or you could have a go at making your own.

How many skittles can you knock down? How many are left?

Change position of skittles. Does it make it easier or harder to knock them down?

Extend activity

Make a score board - Record how many each person knocks down using marks or numbers. Count the marks. How many?

Who came first, second, third? Choose a prize for the winner.

Have fun. I look forward to seeing your pictures.


Summer term -1

Week Five

Monday 18.5.2020

Todays activity is to recognize, write and make a group of 5 objects.

This week we are going to be learning about the number 5.

Watch the number blocks song -Number 5.

Introduce the number 5 formation rhyme. Use a magic pencil in the air.

"Go down and around and then you stop. Finish the five with a line on top".

Have a go at writing a number 5. You could use pencil, crayons, paint, chalk, fairy liquid or you might have a different idea.

Number 5 treasure hunt

This is a fun game to play with your child. Ask them to look around the house for groups of 5 objects. For example find 5 socks, 5 toys, 5 carrots ...... Put each group of objects together and ask your child to count them. (Remember to encourage your child to point to each object as they count.) Make it harder by giving them a time limit eg 1 minute.

Extend activity - If your child confidently counts a group of 5 objects ask them to find one more object. How many now? Take an object away. How many now? Repeat with different numbers.


Tuesday 19.5.2020

Todays activity is to write the number 5 and to find different ways of grouping 5 objects.

Sing the number rhyme 5 current buns together.

Look in your money box or ask an adult to help you find 5 one pence coins. Count them together. Draw 5 current buns or make 5 current buns out of playdough. As you sing the song ask somebody to buy a bun. How many are left?

Extend the activity - Make a toyshop with your toys. Write price labels up to 5p. Find some pennies. Choose somebody to be the shop keeper/customer. Buy a toy.

Practise writing the number 5 with your child. Remember to use the formation rhyme we learnt yesterday.

Find different ways of grouping 5 objects

Together find five objects to count with eg pasta, pegs, dinosaurs, crayons. Using two circles or plates find different ways of grouping five. For example 3 pegs and 2 pegs makes 5 pegs altogether. I have attached a template below.

Blank template

You were all very clever at finding different ways of making 4 last week.


Wednesday 20.5.2020

Todays activity is all about measuring. We are going to compare heights. I would like the children to use the words tall, short, tallest and shortest.

The children have been introduced to these words at Nursery but you may need to remind your child of what each word means.

Activity ideas

Measuring - look around your house or garden. Can you find two things that are taller than you and two things that are shorter than you. Take a photograph if you can.

- Measure your toys. Put them in order from the tallest to the shortest.

- Use Lego/blocks to measure toys animals. Which is the tallest animal. Which is the shortest animal? Count the bricks and record how many.

- With an adult measure yourself using a piece of wool,( Record when it was and then do it again in a few months time to see if you have grown.)

- Measure the people in your family. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest. You could make a family height chart together.


Thursday 21.5.2020

Todays activity is to say the number that is one less using a rhyme and objects.

This is a rhyme we sing together at Nursery. Ask your child if they can help you with the tune. You will need to find 5 objects the same for example dinosaurs, ducks, fish pebbles and a lake .( blue paper/water in bowl ). For this rhyme I have chosen dinosaurs.

Count out 3 dinosaurs, put them on the lake. Sing song

"Three dinosaurs on the lake, three dinosaurs on the lake. One dinosaur runs away. How many on the lake?"

Take one dinosaur away. ( I always say I am taking away one dinosaur so there is 1 less dinosaur) Count how many are left. Repeat with a different number. If your child confidently understands one less introduce two less.

I always find that children find the concept of one less a lot harder to understand than one more. A good way to practice is to use the language in everyday activities and routines. For example eating. Count out 5 raisins. Ask your child to eat one. How many are left?

orange -1 less


Friday 22.5.2020

Todays activity is to say the number that is one less using objects.

Look around your house for different objects you can count with. For example socks, shoes, toy cars or sweets. Ask your child to count out 5 objects. Encourage your child to put them in a row. ( This makes it easier for them to count and see the objects).

Ask them to take 1 object away. I usually ask them to hide it behind their back. How many are left ? Repeat with different numbers.

Extend activity

- Record number sentence using marks eg circles. Cross one out. How many are left?

- Take two objects away - 2 less.


Week Four -Summer term 1

Monday 11.5.2020

Todays activity is to recognize, write and make a group of 4 objects.

Watch the number blocks song -Number 4.

Introduce the number 4 formation rhyme. Use a magic pencil in the air.

"Down and across and down some more. This is the way you make a four".

Number 4 treasure hunt

This is a fun game to play with your child. Ask them to look around the house for groups of 4 objects. For example find 4 shoes, 4 pencils, 4 apples ...... Put each group of objects together and ask your child to count them. (Remember to encourage your child to point to each object as they count.) Make it harder by giving them a time limit eg 1 minute.

Extend activity - If your child confidently counts a group of 4 objects ask them to find one more object. How many now?


Tuesday 12.5.2020

Todays activities are to practice writing the number 4 and to find different ways of making 4.

Write the number four with your child. As you are writing the number say the formation rhyme You can use a variety of resources to do this.

Together find four objects to count with eg pasta, cars, dinosaurs, flowers. Using two circles or plates find different ways of making four. For example 3 cars and 1 car makes 4 cars. I have attached a template and ideas below which you can use.

Blank template

Extend activity - If your child confidently finds different ways of making number four have a go at number 5.


Wednesday 13.5.2020

Todays activity is to find number 4 in your house or outside and to make four marks.

Look around your house or outside. can you see a number 4? where is it?. For example on a clock, phone, door. If you can take a photograph or draw a picture to show where you found it.

Using paint, crayons, chalks make a group of four.

Extend activity - If your child confidently makes a group of 4 have a go at making 5 marks.


Thursday 14.5.2020

Todays activity is to continue a repeating pattern and to say what comes next in a pattern.

Activity 1

Make 2 step patterns with your child. For example clap, jump, clap, jump . At Nursery we sing a rhyme called clap your hands and wiggle your fingers. Ask your child if they can sing you the rhyme.

Activity 2

Look around your house for objects you can use to make a pattern. For example socks, cars, fruit, paint.

Adult to start pattern eg apple, orange,. Say pattern together. Continue pattern apple,orange. Ask your child "What comes next?" Child to find correct objects.


After making a pattern hide an object. Can your child guess what is missing? Ask the question "How do you know?"


Friday 15.5.2020

Todays activity is to record a pattern using pencils, crayons or paint.

Start a two step pattern for your child and ask them to continue the pattern.

Extend activity - If your child confidently continues a two step pattern try a three step pattern together.


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