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Keeping cool in our record temperatures!




Dea & Charlie (Y2)

Miss Colie helped us to stay cool today by giving us tray with cold water and ice to dip our feet in while we were working. We had our trays under the table and we replaced the ice cubes because they were melting.
“I thought it would be really cool and it was! When I got splashed with water by Jenson, it made me feel cool and relaxed,” said Charlie.
“I thought it was very relaxing because while it was super hot, the cool water helped me to stay cool and not too sweaty,” Dea said.

Even Early Years decided to dip their toes in some ice cool water.


Kori (Y6)

We have really enjoyed our ice pops. All of the children in school were given ice poles to help keep us cool at break time. They were super delicious and the cool icy taste meant we were ready to go back into class and do some more learning. I had a delicious blue ice pop, it tasted like frozen blueberries.
All of the Y6 students sat in the shade next to the allotment while devouring our ice poles. Y3, 4 and 5 also enjoyed some ice poles next to the allotment with us. Sitting outside in the shade was a nice break from the warm classroom and the deathly warm sunshine.
Y1 and 2 enjoyed ice pops in their outdoor areas while playing with some cool ice water activities. The best part of cooling down was lunch in the hall with the air conditioning. Once we had finished our lunch we were able to sit in the hall and do some mindful activities. It was too hot to be outside running around.
I might be a little bit sad after this heat wave passes and we no longer get offered ice poles as a snack in the middle of the day, this has certainly been a highlight of my year. As part of making sure we stay safe in the sun, I am going home early to enjoy some time in the paddling pool and chilling in a nice cool room. Some of the children bought frozen bottles of water into school today which was such a good idea. I will certainly remember that if we have another heat wave.
I can’t help but wonder what it must be like for people who live in hot countries all year round. I imagine they have lots of cooling systems to help manage the heat though.  


Division using ice cubes

While the temperatures soared, teachers began to think very creatively on how best to ensure our pupils stay cool while still learning. Today maths in Y2 looked a little different. Division was the focus, although it was initially planned to be a conventional lesson looking at how best to show division in various representation, today the lesson became a whole lot cooler. Our children have engaged in high quality mathematical conversations, digging deeper to embed their knowledge and understanding of division and factors. All of our pupils have engaged in quality mathematical conversations. At Firbeck, our quality first teaching means that all pupils are fully included in all lessons. We scaffold where needed, support when required but all of our children are given the wings to fly and apply what they know independently. Well done to all our pupils who have continued to learn and challenge themselves, not letting this heat stop them from achieving and succeeding. Here is one of our Y1 pupils engaging in some capacity maths. Sophia discussed how even though the containers look different, they can sometimes hold the same amount. That is why it is important to measure in capacity!

Outdoor Provision used to keep our pupils cool.

“We have had the most funnest time exploring in the water to keep nice and cool,” exclaimed one of our Early Years’ pupils.
Early Years teacher, Mrs. Johnstone says, “The children have had great fun playing with extra water based activities and observing what happens to ice when it gets warm. This week we have ensured their safety through providing additional indoor provision and any outdoor provision has been in the shade and during early morning. We have made additional time to sit end enjoy a slower paced circle time to allow children to drink and keep hydrated.”

SPRITZING-It’s cool to be cool…
Summer & Offei (Y6)

Our teacher Mr. Edwards has been keeping us cool by opening the windows and had fans all over the place. He even had a fan from Disney Land that sprays water! there is lots of shade so we can go outside. We have had lots of fun keeping cool in the shade and being sprayed. All of the teachers have been keeping the students cool and have been having fun both at the same time. We also haven’t had to wear our uniform. It is cool being cool.

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