

Remember to look on the Home learning and links page for the link to Oxford Owl and phonics bloom.

Summer term - 2

Welcome back. On this page I have put daily phonics activities which teach the children letter sounds, letter formation and develop their skills to hear the sounds within a word. I have also put activities to develop children's listening skills, rhyming skills and memory skills.

If your child is starting School in September 2020 then it is during the summer term when we start to introduce the children to the letter rhyme and the sound of each letter. We use the RWI scheme ( Ruth Miskin phonics scheme). Please have a go at the letter activity each day.

I have attached two useful links below to help you.

RWI Parents guide - Oxford owl.

Parents guide

Sound pronunciation.You Tube have some great RWI phonics lessons to follow. Here is the link for one of them but there are many on there to look for.



Week Three 15.6.2020

Each day I will be introducing a new letter to the children. This week the letters are r,j,v,y

Tuesday 16.6.2020

Todays letter is r . Look at the picture

Say the sound - We call it a stretchy sound rrrrobot . (Say rrrr as if you are growling)

Say the rhyme together "Down his back, then curl over his arm".Draw the letter in air with a magic pencil.

Look for objects beginning with the sound r.

Have a go at writing the letter r .Use crayons, pens, paint.

Letter r


Wednesday 17.6.2020

Todays letter is j Look at the picture

Say the sound - We call it a bouncy sound j j j jack in a box . (push lips forward)

Say the rhyme together "Down his body and curl" .Draw the letter in air with a magic pencil.

Look for objects beginning with the sound j.

Have a go at writing the letter j. Use crayons, pens, paint.

Letter j

Listening game.


Encourage children to close their eyes, or use a blindfold. Make a variety of sounds around the house and ask them to identify the noise they hear. Examples might include, closing a window/door, dropping a book on the ground, tapping on a table, rattling some keys, flipping a light switch, or opening and closing a drawer.


Thursday 18.6.2020

Todays letter is v. Look at the picture

Say the sound - vvvvulture . (Keep teeth on bottom lip and force out air sharply.)

Say the rhyme together "Down a wing, up a wing" .Draw the letter in air with a magic pencil.

Look for objects beginning with the sound v.

Have a go at writing the letter V Use crayons, pens, paint.

Letter V

I SPY- listening to a description.

Give children 3 clues about an object in the room, and ask them to try to guess what you’re describing. For instance, to describe a ball, you might say, “I spy something round, and filled with air, that bounces.” Take turns, and allow your child to give clues while you guess what they’re describing.


Friday 19.6.2020

Todays letter is Y. Look at the picture

Say the sound - We call it a bouncy sound y y y yak . (Keep edges of tongue against teeth)

Say the rhyme together "Down a horn,up a horn and under his head" .Draw the letter in air with a magic pencil.

Look for objects beginning with the sound y

Have a go at writing the letter y. Use crayons, pens, paint.Have a go at painting it outside with a large paintbrush.

Letter y

Listening game - Zoo animals

This game is linked to the story 'Dear Zoo'. If you have the story at home you might want to read it before you play the listening game.

Click on the link - Zoo animal listening game.


Week One activities - 1.6.2020- Click on link below.

Week one

Week Two activities 8.6.2020 - Click on link below

Week Two


I have attached a copy of of all the RWI (Read Write Inc) phrases.



September 2024


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