
Wednesday 8.7.2020

Hello Nursery

I hope you and your families are all well and you are having a good week. Today I have a new rhyme for everybody to learn. It is called ' Climb aboard the spaceship'.

Climb aboard the spaceship

Tune: “Incy, Wincy Spider”

Climb aboard the spaceship,

We’re going to the moon.

Hurry and get ready,

We’re going to blast off soon.

Put on your helmets

And buckle up real tight.

Here comes the countdown.

Let’s count with all our might.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1- Blast Off!



Creative - Build your own rocket / space craft using large boxes , box modeling or construction toys.

Literacy - Story map

Re-read the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. Talk about what happened in the story. Ask your child if they can draw pictures to show what happened in the different parts of the stories. Some children may just make a mark on the paper. Ask your child what the mark means. For example your child may say " Its a rocket".


Count to 5 in a variety of ways. For example using objects, counting claps, jumps. When your child is confident counting groups of 5 begin to use bigger numbers.

Using objects find different ways of making groups of 3 and 4. For example 2 cars and 1 car makes 3 cars altogether,

Remember to send me pictures of the work or activities you do at home through your tapestry link. I look forward to seeing all of your fantastic work.

Enjoy your day

Miss Braun x


Monday 6.7.2020

Good Morning Nursery

Today we begin another week of home learning together. I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. This week our theme is Space.

Rhyme of the day

Sing 'Twinkle Twinkle little star'.

Today I have a new rhyme for us to learn together. It is called 'Zoom zoom zoom'

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

We’re going to the moon.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

We’re going very soon.

If you want to take a trip,

Climb aboard my rocket ship.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

We’re going to the moon.


Blast off!


Literacy -reading -stories

This week we are going to be listening to and reading two stories . They are 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy and Aliens love underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort.

Today I would like you to listen to or read the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. As you read the story encourage your child to join in with the words Whoosh, bump.

Look on CBeebies for the story -Bedtime stories -'Whatever Next'.

After reading the story

-What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?

-Where did baby bear go? Who did he meet?

- How did he travel to the moon?

- What did he do when he was on the moon?

- Did baby bear really go to moon?

New vocabulary of the week

Introduce your child to the following words. Talk to your child about the meanings of the words.






Literacy -Writing

This week encourage your child to draw/paint/design their own space rocket. How many windows/doors will it have? What colour will it be? What will it be called?

Using pens, crayons, paints, water and paintbrushes -encourage children to make large marks moving up/down, side to side. Curves (over and under) and big circles both directions.


Knowledge and Understanding of the world/ Number

Look at the night sky. Talk about the stars, moon and space. How many stars can you see? Can you count 10 stars?


Tomorrow we are going to read the story together. Have a look around your house today to see if you can find a large cardboard box. A teddy bear or cuddly toy, A pair of wellington boots and something to use as a space helmet.

Have a good day everybody

Miss Braun x


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