NewsletterFirbeck Times

~ October 2024 ~

What a wonderful and busy start to this academic year we have had at Firbeck. The children are responding very positively to our increased behaviour expectations and our play leaders are being amazing at lunchtimes.

It is a great pleasure each day to pop into classes and see the amount of focus and resilience happening during learning. And the enthusiasm for learning is clear for all to see. 

Over the last few weeks the parents that attended our coffee morning on a Wednesday, have had the opportunity to find out more about our vision for Firbeck over the next couple of years and learn more about the MyHappyMind app that we are using across the school. 

We are pleased that attendance across the school is gradually improving. Remember your child can come to school with a cold.  If you think we can help in any way with getting your child to school, do contact us. 

We have a busy few weeks approaching with some educational visits happening, a Halloween/end of half term disco and theatre groups visiting.  Plus some of our school council members are going ot be part of the LA Primary Parliament. 

Year 6 parents make sure you have read the letter about the visit to London and responded to the survey about this. 



School Snacks

Most children require a snack at morning break to keep them going through the day.

We encourage children to bring in healthy snacks full of vitamins and minerals containing no added salt, fat or sugar. Many of these will help contribute to their 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, keep them alert and help them concentrate. It can be hard during the week to think of suitable items for them to bring in to school, but we are aiming, with the help of the children, to not only support them in making healthy choices regarding snacks, but to also reduce food packaging and waste. 

Providing snacks in a small, named, recyclable container is ideal. Children in EYFS and KS1 have a daily snack of fruit or veg provided for free by the government, so additional snacks for these ages may not be required.

If you are intending to send in healthy snacks with your child please limit them to the list below. 

  • Vegetable sticks – such as celery, cucumber, peppers or carrot, a range of colour ensures different vitamins and minerals. 
  • A piece of cheddar cheese or babybel 
  • A piece of fresh or dried fruit, high in soluble fibre and vitamins would also be a great snack– pineapple, mango, kiwi, plain raisins, apricots, blueberries, banana slices. 
  • Bread sticks, plain pretzels, banana bread, malt loaf, oat/rice cakes and small pitta breads are also good snacks, providing children with carbohydrate to sustain them in-between meals. 
  • Homemade snack - flapjacks or other oat/whole grain based snack. These must be nut free. Items brought into school should be carefully checked by you, to ensure this. Firbeck has pupils who are severely allergic to a range of nuts. 

We are aiming for a common-sense approach, with the key being to keep it healthy and no chocolate, sweets or crisps. 


Packed Lunches

Children who do not wish to have a school meal may bring a packed lunch.  Please include food you know your child enjoys and check that you send an appropriate quantity as children can often bring far more than they can manage.  We try to send lunch boxes home with all the cartons, wrappings and peel etc to help parents monitor how much their child is eating. 

We recommend that packed lunches mirror the national school food standards to provide a balanced midday meal that should include:

  • a (fist sized) carbohydrate portion for energy (such as a roll, bagel or pitta bread, a wrap or a potato, pasta, rice, rice cake, couscous or noodle salad). These starchy foods are important for children. They are filling and provide energy.
  • protein (a palm sized portion of, for example meat, chicken, tinned fish, beans, hummus, egg or cheese). Growing children need the protein, iron and vitamins these foods provide.
  • a dairy portion (eg size of two fingers of cheese, a cup of milk, fromage frais or yoghurt). The calcium and protein in this food group are needed for building strong bones and teeth.
  • vegetables and fruit (like salad, carrots, celery, tomatoes or cucumber and all kinds of fresh or dried fruit). These foods provide fibre and vitamins which help to keep your child healthy.
  • You could also give your child one of the following: Extras - fruit bread/ malt loaf/ banana cake/ plain fruit/ cheese scone etc


Please find below some useful articles around healthy snacks and packed lunches:

NHS Guidance: Better Health, Healthier Families

BBC Lunch and Snack Ideas: BBC Food

Just a polite reminder that all absences from school must be agreed in advance unless they are down to illness.

Please see below a reminder of the new attendance process, please come and speak to us if you need support with your child's attendance.

Don't forget to register for MCAS (My Child At School) to ensure you can book for the upcoming parents evenings and consent for school visits etc.

MCAS is also the schools main point of communication between school and home.

Asda Cash Pot Funding:

Asda are currently running a fundraising campaign where parents can raise money for their schools simply by shopping at Asda, in order to take part you need to:

  • Download the Asda Rewards app and sign up 
  • Select Firbeck Academy as your Primary School of choice 
  • Shop in-store or online at

Funds raised will then be sent to the school in the summer term and will help fund various experiences and resources for the children such as trips to the theatre and the refurbishment of the school Library.


End of Term Disco

If you are able to volunteer and help out with the upcoming Disco, please contact the school office.

All funds raised will be supporting the Pantomime Trip on the 12th December.

We have been contacted by The AIM Group who deliver Free Online Level 2 Accredited Courses to help better understand some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing your own careers.

Here's some of the most popular subjects available:

Neuroscience in the Early Years - Children and Young Peoples Mental Health - Understanding Autism - Specific Learning Difficulties - Nutrition and Health - Adverse Childhood Experiences - Bullying in Children and Young People - Distressed Behaviour in Children - Mental Health Awareness - Counselling - Team Leading - Business Administration - Customer Service - Safeguarding and Prevent - Functional Skills English & Maths

These are just the popular qualifications, but they have over 30 available!

The qualifications are completed within a 6–12 week period at your own leisure. They are equivalent to a GCSE Grade C. You can do as many as you like, however you can only do one at a time.

The only criteria you must meet to be eligible, is: 

  • Aged 19 or over on or before 31st August 2024
  • Have lived in the UK/EU for 3+ years    
  • Not already on a Government funded course

If you are interested in undertaking one of these free online courses or would like further information, then please complete the following link ASAP. You will then be sent an enrollment form to complete set up: The Aim Group

If you have any questions prior to expressing interest, call Shane Cooke on 0203 923 4013 or drop him an email at

Wednesday 16th October - Primary Parliament Visit

Monday 21st October - Year 5 Swimming Lessons (pm)

Wednesday 23rd October - Coffee Morning - Secondary School Applications Drop in

Wednesday 23rd October 9.30 - 11.30am - EYFS Open Day

Wednesday 23rd October - 1.15 - 3.15pm - EYFS Open Day

Wednesday 23rd October - 3.30 - 5.300pm - St Leonards Energise Club (please sign up via MCAS)

Thursday 24th October - Year 3 Stone Age Day

Thursday 24th October - End of Term Disco (tickets can be purchases via MCAS)

Friday 25th October - Last Day of Term

Monday 4th November - School re-opens

Wednesday 6th November - Wednesday 13th November - Scholastic Book Fair in School

Thursday 7th November - Flu Immunisations (please consent via online link)

Tuesday 12th November - Individual Pupil Photos (am)

Wednesday 13th November - Drama4All Workshop (am) - EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 14th November - Year 6 Library Visit

Thursday 14th November - EYFS Theatre Visit to see the Gruffalo (pm)

Friday 15th November - Year 5 and 6 Cinema Trip (am)