What another wonderful half-term we have had at Firbeck. Although, I have no doubt our Year 6 pupils would not use the adjective 'wonderful' to describe this half term, as they sat their end of key stage two assessment (SATs). We are immensely proud of how they coped with these - a real credit to our school.
At the start of next half term our Year 1 children will have their phonics check and our Year 4 children will complete their multiplication check. If your child is in one of these year groups please support the school with these, by taking time to practice with your child at home.
During the last six weeks we have managed to squeeze in:
Next half-term we have many exciting things to look forward to including a visit to The Houses of Parliament for twelve of our children.
As senior leaders it is always a pleasure talking to all stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff, governors) about Firbeck. We know that there have been some significant changes and many of these have been received positively.
Over the next few weeks we will be arranging drop-in sessions so we can share with you our vision for what Firbeck will look like and offer over the coming year and beyond. We hope our community will take the time to join these, so we can hear your thoughts and add to our ideas.
Your continued support is always appreciated.
As we move more and more to paperless communication it is really important that you ensure your contact information is up to date with the school office to ensure you don't miss any important information.
The majority of communications now go out either by Text or Email via Bromcom or via the School Story on Class Dojo.
All children have now been supplied with a school water bottle, which will remain in school. We would appreciate your support encouraging the children to use these and leave personal water bottles at home.
If there is a medical need requiring the use of a personal water bottle please discuss this with the school office.
It is particularly important that children only access water during school, juice, squash and fizzy pop are not appropriate for school.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that drinking water can improve children's readiness to learn by increasing their cognitive functioning and by consuming water instead of sugar sweetened beverages it will also help to prevent dental cavities etc.
We do require all children to wear the Firbeck Academy School uniform as we find it helps to create a positive school identity, a sense of belonging and pride, and finally, a calm and focused learning environment.
Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the school logo are available from Morley’s School Outfitters (details below). However, plain versions are perfectly acceptable and are available from most supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury's.
Our supplier for school logo items is Morley’s School Outfitters.
Morley’s School Outfitters: 116 – 118 Bramcote Avenue, Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 4DR
Tel: 01159258046
Make-up, nail varnish and false nails are not permitted.
Jewellery is limited to a watch and one stud ear-ring per ear.
Children should also wear sensible black shoes.
Hoodies, sweatshirts and trainers are not part of our school uniform.
We have a number of families building up substantial debt related to Afterschool Club (from the Autumn Term), Breakfast Club, Nursery sessions and School Lunch fees.
As you will be aware schools have limited budgets and are themselves under financial pressures. Due to this we are not in a position to continuously cover the costs for services that have not been paid for as by doing so will inevitably impact other areas across the school.
Weekly payment reminders are being sent out so parents can keep track of their balances and keep on top of their payments.
We would appreciate your support with bringing any outstanding balances up to date at your earliest opportunity.
Due to the roll out of the Parents App, from September all bookings for paid services will need to be booked and paid for in advance via the app. We will be unable to provide any provision that has not been booked and paid for in advance, and will not be accepting cash or allowing debt to accumulate.
In addition to this any balances outstanding at the end of this academic year will be added to your Parents App account as an outstanding balance, this will prevent you from booking any further provision until the balance has been brought up to date.
We are here to support our families and pride ourselves in being approachable. If you are experiencing financial hardship yourself and need help with any debt that has built up, please contact the school office and we will do everything we can to support you.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
From the 18th August 2024 new Government Legislation regarding attendance will come into force. This will include changes to fines and how schools will be expected to manage attendance from September.
More information will follow in the new academic year, however please find below the link to the updated Government guidance and information around fining.
Working Together to Improve School Attendance
Friday 24th May - Last day of term
Monday 3rd June - School re-opens
Thursday 6th June - Year 5 & 6 trip to the National Space Centre
Monday 10th June - Year 5 and 6 Trip to the Nottingham Tennis Open
Monday 10th June - Year 6 Football Festival (after school)
Friday 14th June - Year 6 Trip to 'Come and Sing' at Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
Wednesday 19th June - Trip to Parliament, London
Tuesday 25th June - Go For Gold Run @ Fernwood
Thursday 27th June - Year 1 and Year 5 Trip to the Synagogue
Monday 1st July - Year 6 Transition Workshop (in school)
Tuesday 2nd - Wednesday 3rd July - Nottingham City Transition Days
Thursday 11th July - Year 1 and Year 2 Trip to Twycross Zoo
Monday 15th July - (am) Sports Day
Thursday 18th July - Year 6 Trip to Gullivers Kingdom
Thursday 18th July - Year 3 and Year 4 Trip to York
Wednesday 24th July - Last day of term
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT